Author Topic: Comeuppance for an N.  (Read 2235 times)


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Comeuppance for an N.
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:53:17 PM »
You might have read on one of my posts, not a thread, that there was a book written concerning my grandson. I have read it and his N father does NOT come out smelling like a rose.

My grandson, at 17, attempted an ocean crossing, 2004, with his Uncle Tom, N's brother. No one is a hero in this book, but is is a captivating read.

The N is shown for what he is in keeping his wife, my daughter, in isolated poverty, on a 102½ acre farm, barefoot and pregnant, sharpening saw blades, building dog runs, , no running water, electricity, or phone; she hauled the water, cooked on an old cookstove and this was all in a one roomed cabin; that she gave up her education for this and then the broken promises began until they were no longer talking when the cabin burned to the ground.

It was two years to the day when she finally left him. She needed rent and one Welfare woman wiuld not give it, but she tried again, with another woman and they cried together and she was given a rent cheque. She was gone.

When KC called in the Mayday to Gus, his father just wrote them down then called his new girl-friend and asked her to look after it! She was the one to call Iceland, both Coast Guards and have them at the ready, but her co-ordinates were not what Gus gave her, and the satellite phone gave another set of co-ordinates when the call was made.

KC was dying and the Icelandic Coat Guard had 3 sets of co-ordinates, that meant a Search area of 22 nautical miles.

Well back to the N. I know there will be planty of people reading this book and no one can NOT help but recognize Gus' behaviour, but it is only we who know Ns who will recognize him as such.

Well the N got his in this book, and it wasn't good. I am thankful to the author for that.

The possibility exists that this will also be a movie! anyone have an N handy who is an actor?---I mean in the entertainment way, not ther every day way!


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Certain Hope

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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 08:19:37 PM »

What you describe of their living conditions is just how npd-ex wanted us to live... and he would have had his way if not for the grace of God. I also have no doubt that he would have destroyed my home if he hadn't been evicted by the police before he got the chance. Nothing but a steady stream of lies, broken promises, and destruction.
I'm glad for all of your family that some of his true characted has been revealed in this book.



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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 09:38:28 PM »
I imagine this is a riveting read and I would like to read it.
On my wish list.

I'm so glad your grandson is so strong that he could survive this ordeal.
I know where THOSE genes came from.

And I think your daughter has them too.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 11:01:51 PM »
Thank you Hope and Hops,

Goodness Hope. The living conditions were awful and I was there 3 days a week, roughing it. Wow! but then I had that when I was born to 7, then moved into amenities at age 8.

I've seen some reviews on line and so far they are 5 star, Hops.

Yes, these genes have helped the three of us through plenty. (For bro and the horseback riding, he said he doesn't think he knows another woman who could have 'done the battle' but sis. She was battered and bruised from branches flyiing back and managed to stay on her horse when they were doing an almost vertical climb---and on 4 lressons only)

(I'll bet Gus is just happy to see his name and won't even recongnize how selfish he was.)

Love Izzy


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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:48:39 PM »
(I'll bet Gus is just happy to see his name and won't even recongnize how selfish he was.)

Love Izzy

Unfortunately..... I bet you're right too.


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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 06:27:16 AM »

I agree with Hops--this grandson is a throwback to you.  It's obvious from what you have told us of the story.  I think that when he looks back on this "adventure" that will be something that he can take away from it--his own courage. 

I would love to read this book, Iz.  Do you mind sharing the title and author?  Is it available on Amazon, do you know?

Much love,

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 10:36:28 AM »
Title is Obsession: Tragedy in the North Atlantic.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Comeuppance for an N.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 12:11:50 PM »
'mornin everyone

Im just up! 9:00 a.m.PST

and note the title is THE Obsession: Tragedy----
authpr :John Chipman
Image of the Cover is on my first post?--click to enlatge-- .

thank you Hops, CB and lighter.

Yes amazon carries, never checked .com

Love Izzy

EDIE:--not on being a Canadian book, but on as well, but more expensive there.

Search words, The Obsession,John Chipman, in Google, The Obsession on a book site

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« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 12:30:05 PM by isittoolate »