Thanks for your comments and encouragement.
The thing is, it seems that when I've told people about my daughter, they say things like "oh she's a typical teen, she'll grow out of it, etc"
Honestly, I'd like to agree with that, except for one thing. This narcissistic attitude she has, has NEVER gone away. It's been there from the time she was old enough to toddle as a child, and it's been there since then, and continues.
She is not just narcissistic in her convos with me. She treats EVERYONE as LESS THAN. Even at her church, the youth pretty much steered clear of her, because she would incessantly LIE and then swear to the lies. She is manipulative, a thief, and she treats people just AWFUL at times, unless there is something in it for her!
Basically she sees me as someone who is INDEBTED to her. I OWE HER my time, money, etc, because after all, I am her mother. So, when it suits her, I am MOM. When she decides she wants to be seen as all-sufficient, needing NOBODY, then I'm targeted for punishment and lambasting.
I'm sorry, but I do not view my daughter as just another rebellious teen. Her issues go wayyyyyyyyyyy deeper than that.