I had my last session with my T yesterday. It was poignant and sad. It was quite a challenge to me to leave someone and not be angry: to feel the sadness of the loss and take with me the love I experienced from our relationship.
I have decided, when I move, to join a therapy group. I feel I have made a lot of progress but believe that group therapy will challenge me in a new way. I need to put into practise my new learning and I believe a group situation would serve me best. I have been aware that on the board I experience many feelings but because it is not the 3d world I can ignore or withdraw from what I do not like. I think going to group therapy will be the place for me to challenge my frustrations, old patterns, get support and understand my isolation and withdrawal more. Staying with discomfort and exploring this in the company of others seems like the next step for me.
Is anyone in group therapy here. I am going to look for a psychoanylicital group as I think it is the unconscious that drives me.