Author Topic: Endings and beginnings  (Read 1357 times)


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Endings and beginnings
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:09:27 AM »
I had my last session with my T yesterday.  It was poignant and sad.  It was quite a challenge to me to leave someone and  not be angry: to feel the sadness of the loss and take with me the love I experienced from our relationship.

I have decided, when I move, to join a therapy group.  I feel I have made a lot of progress but believe that group therapy will challenge me in a new way.  I need to put into practise my new learning and I believe a group situation would serve me best.  I have been aware that on the board I experience many feelings but because it is not the 3d world I can ignore or withdraw from what I do not like.  I think going to group therapy will be the place for me to challenge my frustrations, old patterns, get support and understand my isolation and withdrawal more.  Staying with discomfort and exploring this in the company of others seems like the next step for me.

Is anyone in group therapy here.  I am going to look for a psychoanylicital group as I think it is the unconscious that drives me.



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Re: Endings and beginnings
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 11:12:41 PM »


I'm feeling your sadness at cutting the familiar strings so you can move on.  I think I would feel much the same way.

Have you been to group therapy before?  I haven't, so I am wondering what it would be like being in group therapy. 



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Re: Endings and beginnings
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2007, 03:26:36 PM »
I left my T because I am moving away so it is out of necessity.  I am interested in being part of a group because I think that I have many issues around holding myself around others.  I know the rescuerer is still alive in me and this is something I want to work through in a group.  Also my pattern of withdrawl when I am uncomfortable.  Guess I want to learn how to stand my ground and be myself.

I did a little work in a group a long time ago, it was for Women who had been in ABusive Relationships.......... guess I was not too ready then but feel much more open to the learning now.  Looking forward to finding a suitable group.



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Re: Endings and beginnings
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2007, 05:40:55 PM »
hi axa
Standing your ground!! Have you tried it? Criminy it's fun!

That makes me me feel good as the whatever feelings that came to me that required I stand my ground, just flitted away into space outside of me and didn't end up as an addition to my repressed emotions.

When I chip that old block away, there'll be enough space to have another baby and start over--

Good Luck
Will you still be checking in here when you move and settle?



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Re: Endings and beginnings
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2007, 06:27:37 PM »


I guess I was asking if group therapy is different from CODA, Alnon...those type groups? 



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Re: Endings and beginnings
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2007, 08:57:09 AM »

I intend to stay here for a long time, maybe not able to spend as much time on the board but will be here.


I am looking for a group with a trained psychoanalyst to facilitate it.  I have not been in al anon or such groups but my understanding is that a member of the group facilitates I am looking for someone who has training in group dynamics.  I may not know when I am acting out but I need someone there who does and allows me develop my awareness.
