Author Topic: The Unsaid, hey Nic  (Read 1446 times)


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The Unsaid, hey Nic
« on: May 01, 2004, 07:44:40 PM »
Hey Nic, I finally found a vid shop that had it and I watched 'The Unsaid' the other night. Ya' didn't tell me anythin' so I didn't know what to expect. Sure glad I wasn't on my own when I watched it. Shit!!!!!!

But what a movie. Talk about twists and turns. I predicted the incest early on,  :cry:  and my H was sayin' "no, no". Gosh it was real-life in so many ways. My N  kept sayin' annoyin' stuff like "Totally over the top Hollywood crap."  :x  . So we've been discussin', debatin', arguin', about it on and off for days. Kyle became a bit of a psychopath really, I thought anyway. All that repression. Scary scary scary stuff. Thanks for the recomendation. And f**ckin' Harry.  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil: . Shame he didn't do to himself what he did before Kyle went to see him. What a twist, but ya' could see it comin'. At first I half thought it was gonna' be the dad.  :? but it didn't fit right. Good, sad-bad  unfortunate, needed to be made movie.  



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The Unsaid, hey Nic
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2004, 10:06:20 PM »
Glad you could see it CG!
Suicide is surrounded by silence isn't it?  Abuse is mixed in with it.. that's what got me the most about the movie.  It didn't happen to me quite that incest..but abuse.  For C it was harsher..he suggested we view the movie together..because C at one time attempted suicide.  He and I cried so much when Kyle is running toward the train and when his arms go up to meet death..I really connected to C's state of mind when he O/Dd three years ago..I understood in that scene and at that moment how death could mean the ultimate solution to all his problems.
But the real problem was the lack of voice, the silence..that damned silence!
Thanks for seeing is so short, too short.
Love Nic :)
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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The Unsaid, hey Nic
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2004, 12:52:50 AM »
It was Tommy running for the train, but I knew who you meant  :wink:  I've had a few suicides in my life. And every single one of them were seeking relief. But the one that most reminded of this movie was a friend called Phil. He had a whole heap of strange, really strange repeat 'coincidences' happen in his life. He really started to believe he was a jinx to those he loved. And he ended it all when he was about 30, after about 5 years of treatment and shrinks and medication. The right person just never reached him. Very sad cause he was one of the lovliest most gentle guys. And I don't say that cause he's dead. I and others felt that way when he was alive, and told him so. But I don't think he ever 'heard.'

Anyway, thanks again for the movie tip.  :D  Oh, I re-watched Papillon (for the hundreth tome)the other night, for a relaxo. I love that movie  :? . It reaches something down inside me somewhere.  :?  Anyway, I won't got there. This isn't the fave' movie site I got to sometimes to blow-off.  :D  I have ta'go to IMDB for that.