I am trying to understand myself better and as I look within I am seeing patterns in my behavior that I feel like I need to free myself from. There have been many unfortunate events in my life. None worse than what many of you have seen and experienced. I have been angry and in denial and in pain and trapped....and then somehow I have set myself free. In some areas, though, I don't feel like I am free. And because I am commited to becoming such, I am trying to determine why.
My delimma is simple....I think about my N relatives and the pain and the blame and the shame all too often. Usually, it comes early in the morning and I find it hard to divert my thinking. My T said that I was like an animal in a trap....trying to get out and thinking of nothing else. That was in that first conversation when I learned that I was dealing with Narcissism. I have looked at the PTSD symptoms and tried to calm them and heal them. I have finally gained the confidence and understanding of my H. I have moved away from them. I rarely answer email and phone calls from them. Yet, I can't seem to get them off my mind. I argue, silently in my head, with their blaming and shaming of me. I also blame them and call them on the carpet. ( things I could never say to their face, even on my best day but that I wish they understood). I think I am trying to get myself to understand some of the things I want them to understand. I wonder why I need them to understand it. Especially now that I understand that people who struggle with N will rarely "get it". So -- What is my problem? I think I know.
First, I don't know how to deal with blame. From them or from anyone. I hate being the scapegoat. I feel victimized by it. I feel trapped by it. I feel others, former friends, are poisoned by it. And I feel like I have no recourse to deal with the injustice of it. I don't like being blamed when something is my fault. Don't suppose anyone does.
Second, I think I am still blaming them. Still feeling a sense of victimhood. Still blaming myself and shaming myself for mistakes I have made. Not knowing how to let it go for them, or for myself. Although, I am doing better with regards to myself. And I am afraid the abuse will happen again. And blaming somehow protects me. As does anger.
I kind of feel frustration because I don't do this with the people who sexually abused me, even though I deal with the effects still today. I don't blame my foo anymore. But I do my il's. Why do I need to do that??
Seems to me that I am in the process of freeing myself from the traps. And it seems to me that one thing keeping me tied to them and their harmful influence is my blame of them. Seems like concrete on my feet. Keeping me trapped in the pain.
I don't like being blamed, especially for thing I didn't do,feelings I didn't have, and interpretations of my behavior that are inaccurate.
I don't like blaming because it brings along with it labels. I don't like to be labeled. "Jerk", "plate thrower" (i was accused of throwing plates. I have never thrown a plate in my life). "bad kid" "evil". Even on this board, I have heard labels of good members and bad members. Not sure I like that in a forum like this. It makes me nervous to attach labels. Even the N label I struggle with, even though it truly is the best explanation for the behavior I see and experience. But I qualify that by saying that I am not a professional and can't know for sure if my assessment is totally correct or to what degree I am correct. But, in the same breath, I think I am pretty close if nothing else.
I don't like blaming because punishment seems to be the goal of it. "They hurt me. Shut them off. Ignore them. Make them feel the pain. Label them" and other black and white thinking.
I don't like blaming because it usually makes one party totally right and the other totally wrong.
I don't like blaming because I think it prevents real listening and investigating before we react to situations and intentions behind behavior. It also prevents negotiations and problem solving.
I don't like being blamed and judged and labeled for my mistakes. If I do something hurtful, I wish that individual would come to me with it, try to understand, let me listen and try to understand, apologize, negotiate solutions, let me make amends, forgive each other, move on.
I don't like blame because it keeps me from embracing personal responsibility.
I don't like blame because it is not very merciful. It is not kind. It is not understanding. It is not forgiving. It does not bring out the best in me.
I don't like blaming myself. It makes me relentless and perfectionistic and depressed and weighed down with shame . It makes me feel shame so easily which is quicksand for me.
I don't like blaming because I don't get anywhere. I complain and complain and complain. I don't move forward. I don't let things go. I don't heal. I stew in my own juices. Stagnate and fester! The offenses sometimes exaggerate themselves. I stay in victimhood. And that is just plain powerless. And it kinda makes me sick to think about it.
I sometimes think blame needs to be put somewhere to satisfy my sense of justice. But, don't feel any justice when I am blaming myself and/or others.
I think blaming others gives them all the power in the world to continue hurting me. As I blame myself, I continue to hurt myself.
I think blaming is reactive and defensive.
Blaming doesn't allow negotiation, listening, fact finding, understanding, problem solving, or conflict negotiation.
I don't think shame belongs anywhere. I think I need to avoid shame at all costs.
I dont think God engages in blame and shame. I think God deals in personal responsibility. I think that God chastizes and listens, educates and helps, engages in boundaries and natural consequences, forgives and forgets, endlessly loves the most unloveable among us. Maybe we need to blame a bit at the beginning of our healing but I think it is dangerous and corosive to stay there.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings. Seems I have many feelings on this and I am not sure I am expressing it well. Trying......