Hi all, it's me, Laura, with some real struggles today and lately. Just needed somewhere to share I guess. I wish someone would just reach out a hand and take mine and say "this is how we can FIX this and it's going to be perfectly legal, moral and Godly to do it this way." I just don't have that certainty right now, so I feel somewhat stuck.
Well, first of all, N Daughter is still playing "house" with boyfriend. In other words, she is 18, he is 16, baby is on the way, and neither of them are really taking it super seriously. Their latest argument was over whether boyfriend was going to request a day off so he could take my daughter to the Homecoming Dance!
Next, my 13 year old is struggling with reading right now. She is being homeschooled by my friend who does a really wonderful job of it. My daughter, however, feels so unsure of herself and regularly expresses that she believes she is stupid. I've been trying my best to stay close to her, encourage her, point out all the wonderful things about her and talents she has. I've scheduled a counseling intake for her this week. I feel she needs to be re-evaluated for ADD and maybe depression.
My youngest daughter, Amber, 8 years old, is going through another major issue right now. Her dog bit my 13 yr old's friend. This is the 2nd time the dog bit someone, and, Amber knows the dog is going to most likely be put to sleep. Amber's reasoning of life, is that of a child younger than 8 yrs old, so how the he** do you work through such a horrid thing with a little precious girl who is so pained over it...especially when you, as an adult, are dying inside and want to do anything you can to get your dog back????!
My life went from sheer misery, of having to sell fast food at the food court of the mall, to selling flowering onions from a trailer (both of the profits from these endeavors were split 40 % for more supplies, then 50/50 between brother-in-law and then us)...to living with barely enough to eat, NH and me both starting new jobs, having our water turned off for 7 days, coming close to losing our electric, pulling daughter from rotten public school, finding out 18 yr old is pregnant, being turned down for tooth extraction from 3rd dentist (after spending almost all my birthday money to even pay for the x-ray!), me starting second new job soon losing family dog because it bit daughter's best friend.....UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Right now, I am not sure WHAT I'm feeling. NH shows nothing but accusations toward me about this and that, and then looks at me DUMBLY when I start screaming at him out of frustation of his daftness and callousness. Yesterday, he said right in front of my daughter "well, they're gonna kill your dog for sure." So, of course, my 8 yr old woke up crying in the middle of the night, and NH says "why does she wake up like that all the time lately" I told him I was SICK OF HIM DISSOCIATING when I tried to tell him about things he needs to change. His response was "I pull away from NEGATIVE people." I told him "well you are just about going to pull away for the last time, because you have till January and then there won't be anyone to pull away FROM!" (my biggest concern, of course, would be to be sure I get custody of the girls, and, well, Illinois is a very SCREWY state where that is concerned!)
I guess what I am feeling right now is a mixture of "broken" and "uncertain" When my daughter asks me "mommy do you love daddy?" I do not lie to her. I tell her "no. I can't love someone who lets you suffer like this and doesn't care. Your father doesn't show us his love, so no, I do not love him and, if he doesn't get help, we will have to leave." My mother used to lie to me and tell me she loved my step-father. I can lie to my daughter about her dog, till she is old enough and settled enough to understand the reasoning behind euthanizing her pet, yet I won't lie to her about something as serious as human emotions and relationships. I'm not sure what I think of myself at the moment even. I go from "am I a creep for lying about the dog? to " should I lie and tell her I love NH?" I'm not really confused, but I am heartbroken today.
I know this was a long post, so thanks if you even read it. I don't know what I'm looking for anymore. I'm trying to just take one day at a time, and find out what will happen come January (that will have been the 6 mos ultimatum, and enough time to find out my options and rights in the state I live in)...right now, I feel like I just want OUT WITH MY DAUGHTERS!)