My life took quite a strange turn about a year ago. I was at the end of a relationship with a girl who had a borderline personality disorder, and it had just gotten pretty nasty. When I had hit absolute rock bottom, I had some sort of enlightenment. I figured out that holding all my bad feelings inside was hurting myself, and that I should love myself enough to take care of my own emotional well being and not harbor bad feelings and expect people to be responsible for them. It had the result of freeing me of a lot of emotional pain, and gave me the strength to endure the abuse for the final weeks of the relationship; it also had the result of causing a total breakdown of my former partner. We went our separate ways, and I did it nobly… a better person than I had been. And I was starting to take care of myself.
I was looking forward to moving on with my life, to finally being free of the chaos and the emotional drama I had been enduring. Then, for perhaps the first time in my 34 years, I took a long, hard, honest look at myself. I think it just started with the simple question, “Why did I allow myself to go through so much distress for so long? Why didn’t I care about myself? “ And as quickly as that, I realized I had never loved myself, and that it was wrong, and I told myself I should.
And with that thought, my world got turned upside down. This was not the first mentally ill person in my life. It was not the second, and it wasn’t even the third. Have I been in a coma? I look in the mirror and see my father’s reflection, or some empty shell… and I look away ashamed. How come I never noticed I did things like that before? It’s as if I lived my entire life without paying attention.
And, I’ve spent the last year hiding from that reflection…