Author Topic: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?  (Read 1485 times)


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Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« on: September 08, 2007, 08:00:44 AM »
I saw something mentioned about vaccines and autism in another post, and I felt it was time to start this thread for the sake of those of us who are anti-vac.

I vaccinated my first daughter all the way through her childhood.  I can recall HORRID side-effects from these shots, like her legs swelling up beet red, her running temps of 104+ and overall illness caused in her body, I believe, as a reaction from those vaccines.

My next daughter, I took for some of the shots, but blew off many of them, cause I couldn't bear to hold her down and let someone hurt her with a needle.

My 3rd daughter...interesting story...she had been getting a few vaccines, but, I had been into selling health-based supplements, and ran into a guy online who asked me "you are selling that wonderful stuff for health, but I bet you are getting ready to take your daughter for her school shots, right?"  As he went on and I tried to shut my ears and get away from him, he gave me a weblink about the government's role in producing and using vaccines, the info about how detrimental they have been to children, and the root of them coming from Nazi Germany, etc.  I agreed to read the information...after that, I BECAME AN ANTI-VAC mother.

My 4th daughter has had NO vacciness, based on a religious exemption right in our state of Illinois.  The only thing I would allow them to do to her in the hospital, was the PKU poke-on-the-heel test.  Some anti-vac parents don't even allow that to be done.

Results? of all the children in my family, the 3 girls who got the least vacs are definitely the ones who are also the least ill.  Is there a connection?  I believe so.  MANY have tried to guilt me into vaccinating my children, based on the "but what if" principles.  Honestly, I think my youngest daughter, who goes to school with people who get sick a lot, is in the least danger, since her natural immunity has been building itself for years!  So far, so good.

join in...



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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2007, 08:13:41 AM »
Yes I agree with you and the effects of the mercury in vaccs. I let my son have the first one and he was in a terrible state afterwards, screaming and hot. I decided not to let him have another and the next child had none. This child has had the strongest immune system of all my children although he has a genetic condition.

The found out, at the time of the Gulf War Vets. that the British had the same illness on returning (and which is thought to have been cause through pesticide exposure by those educated in environmental illness) but strangely the French did not suffer it. Then they realised that French children do not have the same type of vaccs for their children. There is a report about it somewhere.

I was myself poisoned with mercury when young and was in hospital with the effects which include redness of the extremities. I am sure that it left me with autistic symptoms, at least it would explain why I have had so much trouble in communication and reading others.

They do the vaccs without mercury in the UK now.


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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2007, 08:21:58 AM »
Do not get me started.  My daughter was a perfect beautiful baby-now she is a 12 year old autistic girl who will probably live with me for the rest of her life.

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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2007, 08:43:02 AM »
i agree with the anti-- vac. After that you have to look at all of allopathic (regular) medicine  and judge it with similar scrutiny(IMO)
   I am so ,so sorry for the children who have suffered for the medical establishments greed and ignorance----- my deepest condolences.                      Ami
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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2007, 12:33:52 PM »
I think vaccines are dangerous. So much of the information about the harm that's been done has been suppressed. The MMR scandal in the UK is just one example. It's awful to use children as guinea pigs, and then refuse to acknowledge that side-effects are turning up that weren't expected. Too much money involved, to admit liability, I think.... :(



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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2007, 05:55:45 PM »
Dear Authentic
  What a story. You had to be very independent to "save" him like that. That is so, so ,so inspiring, Authentic. My hat goes off to you, Dear Friend                                    Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Vaccines...are we shooting at a live target?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2007, 09:12:39 PM »
All I know is I am looking at a six month picture of her and she is smiling really big and looking right at the camera.  When she was three we couldn't get her to look at the camera or anyone for that matter.  I don't recall a cause and effect she got the shot, then she went down hill.  It was just like she changed slowly and went from a normal baby to an abnormal child.  My ex and my mother denied it long before I did.  I said something about autism to the lady at the daycare and she told me she had done some research and Chloe fit some of the diagnois.  She cannot process verbal communication well.  She cannot speak spontaneously - she has to have rehearsed it so she says the same things quite often......BUT, she scores way high in visual skills.  Example:  She did a test where the guy says, "Chloe, what do water and steam and ice have in common.......?"  She couldn't answer.  But when he showed her a bunch of pictures she was able to circle a tea pot with steam, a swimming pool and a glass of ice...............she knew they all had something in common....................

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"