I saw something mentioned about vaccines and autism in another post, and I felt it was time to start this thread for the sake of those of us who are anti-vac.
I vaccinated my first daughter all the way through her childhood. I can recall HORRID side-effects from these shots, like her legs swelling up beet red, her running temps of 104+ and overall illness caused in her body, I believe, as a reaction from those vaccines.
My next daughter, I took for some of the shots, but blew off many of them, cause I couldn't bear to hold her down and let someone hurt her with a needle.
My 3rd daughter...interesting story...she had been getting a few vaccines, but, I had been into selling health-based supplements, and ran into a guy online who asked me "you are selling that wonderful stuff for health, but I bet you are getting ready to take your daughter for her school shots, right?" As he went on and I tried to shut my ears and get away from him, he gave me a weblink about the government's role in producing and using vaccines, the info about how detrimental they have been to children, and the root of them coming from Nazi Germany, etc. I agreed to read the information...after that, I BECAME AN ANTI-VAC mother.
My 4th daughter has had NO vacciness, based on a religious exemption right in our state of Illinois. The only thing I would allow them to do to her in the hospital, was the PKU poke-on-the-heel test. Some anti-vac parents don't even allow that to be done.
Results? of all the children in my family, the 3 girls who got the least vacs are definitely the ones who are also the least ill. Is there a connection? I believe so. MANY have tried to guilt me into vaccinating my children, based on the "but what if" principles. Honestly, I think my youngest daughter, who goes to school with people who get sick a lot, is in the least danger, since her natural immunity has been building itself for years! So far, so good.
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