I'm going to do something here that I don't normally do. I just posted another installment of my story. This is a really hard one for me. Maybe it will be a really hard one to read. So, I don't have any particular expectations. But I will answer questions or responses if there are any here when I get home from work tonight. This newest post on my story is my most vulnerable one. I will not delete it, but I can foresee wishing at some point that I had not posted it. This is the part of my story that makes me feel most unworthy. But if I don't face it, then what is the point?
No doubt I've said this before, but I do
so wish that you could see yourself as I do. My history is similar... full of what I consider horrible choices which have affected many people besides just myself. Repentance has removed the guilt, but shame is buried much deeper and requires a greater tonic.
So I have faced that sense of unworthiness privately with God, and also shared these feelings with my husband, who says, "You did the best you could with what you had available."
I don't believe that, but it's all he had to offer. So I take it back to God. Nothing that any human being can say will touch that part of me. Nothing.
And yet... so it is. Done. A life's worth of done-ness. I can sit here and cry for you, for us. And as I do, I thank the Lord for His grace and mercy, and for His promise to make all things new again. My own lesson is that I needed to be made new again, and only then can I leave the past where it belongs.
The fact is - with the exception of the counselor Liz, you had no example to follow and no wise instruction to heed. You had only the information and help at hand with which to work... and so much fear. You felt alone in all this, PP... and that is a feeling I know so well. Having built a young life on a foundation of shame and fear and lonliness, from what resource could you have drawn to manage your circumstances? I ask myself that same question. I simply didn't know any better... and neither did you. I've done my own ignorant stuff, along with plenty of stupid, rebellious stuff, and as I sort through all that garbage, what remains standing is me, here and now. I see you standing, too, and Pennyplant, that counts for a whole lot. I don't have any questions.
Just wanted to say that. I hope it counts for something, too. You have impacted my own life in a way that few others could have done, simply by being genuine here. Thank you.
With love,