Oh ladies
I'm happy otherwise for all the responses because I think I know what I am getting at.
As a little girl I might have said to myself, "I don't know what this is all about. This hurts and I don't ever want to think about it again, so I hide it away......................and do so each time I am exposed to violence and abuse................ this is making 'parts of emotional me' disappear, wouldn't you say?
So that continues until early /mid teens and that is plenty of thoughts to put away and keep the pain hidden too
Then the abuser changes to my common-law husband, daughter's father, and I do the same
Then I am alone and any real pain is automatically stuffed in with the rest, plus some feelings.
Now I am at this broken leg stage and I know I don't feel the pain, but it is in there and must be (should be?) affecting me emotionally but and am I hiding still? I think so, as I talk as though (Stormchild) "I broke a dinner plate" and then just plan on waiting it through.
HOWEVER, my therpaist is digging, digging at the part of me that isn't the physical pain, and I cannot find anything.
So how much of me have I put away with the pain and violence??
Woud that be the same as changing's
Now it seems there is always something gone awry in my physical being, and I must be constantly vigilant, both physically and emotionally.
Is this where my 'feelings' went?
Could I be saying, "Now it seems that something has gone awry with my emotional being, and I must be constantly vigilant to identify a feeling when I feel it."
This is where I came up with the Physical Pain and what it does to which part of are emotional system!!
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