hi All
Poppyseed said, and it is very true, it is like I am talking about breaking a plate, but I just broke my leg, 4 breaks, but NO physical pain. I turned my foot from facing back to facing front without realizing and the stranger/girl who was there, and
who helped me, re 9-1-1 and a note on my car, was nearly sick. I just like things to be neat!<sorry>

Now as far a physical pain is concerned, as my therapist said, it does affect us otherwise, drawing on our other feelings, so for me this is more than a broken leg when I just say, "Been there, done that!"
I want to know, when in actual, fierce physical pain, where/how does this affect a person, that I won't be recognizing?All my life I have known physical pain, until the BIG accident and now my lower legs do not recognize physical pain. I don't know what I am to be feeling in place of the missing pain.....and it's only my legs I have injured.
The last I remember was breaking my big toe, OH THE PAIN, in 1966, 3 years before the Biggy. I had no idea it was broken so didn't go for 'help' Eventually I knew something was wrong when my toe was bent out of shape, after the swelling disappeared, and I was still in pain, so I went to Emerg, but they were so busy I left. I was in the misdt of leaving my daughter's father and still did NOT know I'd broken a bone,
my first.
So in the psychological frame of mind we are in, when physicasl pain strikes, what do you others feel?----perhaps in reference to the importance of leaving an N, or other emotional stresses.
Edit] i am sure that all physically painful experiences I had before where repressed emotionally, as therapist said we had to get right to this break, so that my other feelings didn't 'get lost in the shuffle' <my words>[attachment deleted by admin]