Author Topic: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back  (Read 3411 times)


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« on: May 06, 2004, 12:52:11 AM »
This is the 5th support group I post the same message to. It's just that I want to get as many replies as possible and get over my toxic relationship with someone incapable of loving me back.
Some people think that I have serious issues with myself and my self-esteem but this is not the case. I was lonely and vulnerable and he took advantage of this. Sometimes we give in and start a relationship out of desperation...

Almost two months ago (and for the second time) I put an end to my relationship with a mentally disordered person but I’m still emotionally dependent on him. His NPD is combined with schizophrenia ( or bipolar, he wouldn’t tell me). I know that the best thing for me to do is to forget that I have ever known him. Until recently I needed to make sure that his state is incurable before I finally shut him out of my life. Maybe he resorts to narcissism as a means to preserve his mental composure and to keep schizophrenia away. Now I doubt I can help him… And it hurts me to do no contact. I still need him. It hurts me that he treated me as if I were a disposable sexual object, that while we were not together I didn’t exist for him, that one of the last things he told me was: “I already feel nostalgia. It felt good to be with you. Of course you can come round to see me but you should call me in advance…” It hurts when I hope that he will come up and tell me he wants me back. I know this will never happen and the pain becomes stronger.
Each time I voiced my concern that he ignored me, he would say:”I would never stalk and harass you. You don’t know how lucky you are.” I would often ask him: “I need to know when we’ll be together again,” and he would go like this:”I hate to plan in advance…When I have energy for you, I’ll call you. Don’t force me into doing something I don’t feel like…Let things follow their natural course…”
Ten months after the beginning of our relations he told me: ”You’re a knew acquaintance of mine and so we still need to make things between us clear…That’s the reason why I can’t trust you completely.”
It seems that he changed for the worse as soon as he noticed that I needed him…He would be aloof when I needed his love: “I don’t feel like kissing today…”
He could have told me that he wanted just sex and I would have understood him. He needn’t tell me repeatedly that he had feelings for me. It was enough for me to be friends with him and nothing more.
The last time he called me on business I cut him short telling him that I wouldn’t come to his office because I could no longer tolerate the way he treated me. I want him to suffer because he has lost me. But there is no way of knowing what he feels without getting in contact with him… Could it be that he thinks that he did the abandonment?
He could do without seeing me but wouldn’t give up having sex with me each time I made myself available in his office. It was the only way for me to be near him and so I had to swallow my pride…
He would become peevish every time I told him:
“If you feel that it’s over, you should tell me. I have a right to know.”
He was (and still is) married but it didn’t matter to me: soon after we met he said that he had time for extramarital relations since his wife had her hobbies, he had his and she respected his boundaries.
Maybe it would have been different if I had set my rules in the beginning but I fondly believed that what we felt for each other would keep him from hurting me. Actually, I was confused because I knew that what a cheater does with me he could do to me. I wasn’t happy with him. At any time he could leave me without as much as an explanation, the same way he had left his ex-girlfriends. More than once he asked me: “If something happens, would you take vengeance on me?” I became even more insecure…
His words were fine and convincing:
 “You’re a sensitive and easily hurt person, I can see your soul, it’s only you who can move my tender feelings and I thought I had become quite insensitive. I have feelings for you, I could live with you on a desert island and never get bored, you’re an intelligent and very beautiful woman and you can give me all I need…”
He became my best friend and I trusted him completely. I let him know that men in my life had treated me badly, that all they had wanted was having fun with me. He said he would help me find my perfect match: “I’ll be deeply satisfied when you find your happiness.”
Then he suddenly withdrew and introduced me to a married friend of his with the intention to get rid of me. I was mad at him. Anyway, his attempt to dump me to another failed and we became lovers. In the first week of our relationship he was tender, loving, craving for my love and attention. He would say: “Do you love me? We are one whole. You are much more than just my lover: you are my best friend…Are you cross with me? Do you want us to become the most intimate friends? Are you pleased with me? You are a treasure, you deserve only the best of everything, I would give you anything that is good in my soul, nobody will appreciate you like me… You’re the best that ever happened to me. You’re one of my good things on the top of my list. Are you satisfied with what I give you? Did I prove my feelings for you? I have always dreamt of having a girlfriend like you: calm and understanding…” He was like a schoolboy in love: late in the evening he would come round the apartment block where I live just to be near me. In a transport of tenderness he would start caressing and kissing me. He was jealous of two other guys I had dated with but admitted that he had no right to feel this way.
Once he told me:”While we were apart I was seeing your eyes…”
He often made me tell him that I love him and when I finally refused to comply and asked him whether he loved me, he said that he was shy to talk about his feelings. Then I insisted and he said: “I love you very much.” He looked vulnerable.
A month into this relationship and I realized that it was me who kept it going on. It turned out that he couldn’t see me as often as he wished because of his “family obligations” and his narcissistic father who controlled his life.  (Still he could ignore his “obligations” toward his wife and daughter and spend his entire vacation at his parents’ country house, calling home only twice.) He couldn’t phone me because he was very “nervous and busy”. It turned out that I was the last on his list. When I told him: “I wish to see more of you. You promised to call and never did it,” he would come up with a selection of the following “excuses”:
“It’s difficult. I have no time for myself because of my obligations.
You know how nervous I am. Don’t press me.
Cell phone conversations are expensive.
Seeing each other is a matter of free time and being in the right mood.
I’ll call you when I have energy for you.
Your dad picks up the phone and embarrasses me.
Let things follow their natural course and I’ll call you when I need you.
I could call you but I don’t want to feel this as an obligation.”
To this I would say:
“If you still feel the same for me, all you can do is listen to your heart and obey your desire. You are not obligated to love me.”
He seemed to understand what I meant: “Do you really think so? What a relief.”
And on the next day we would have exactly the same conversation…

Every time he gave me a reason to doubt his feelings and I asked him if he still loved me, he would come up with a different intellectualisation:
“What I feel for you is just sexual desire and friendship. We’re friends and nothing more.
When you are next to me, I’m in ecstasy and can’t tell love from lust.
I have deep and lasting feelings for you but I won’t own up to it.
You know that I love you. Don’t make me say it. My feelings are my business and not yours!
Of course nothing has changed. Have you lost your mind again?
You seduced me and now you want to make me depend on you emotionally.
I can’t afford to love you. Loving you would mean losing my mental composure and going insane.
I’m scared that if I tell you that I love you, you’ll start playing with my heart.
You demand feelings from me and that burdens me emotionally.
I shouldn’t give out that I’m in love with you because if I do, you’ll tell me: Do this, this and this for me!”
Once he told me: “I’m careful not to become overly attached to you because if I do, I’ll suffer when you leave me for another guy.” And then added: ”Will you ditch me if you start seeing somebody new?”
He would often be rude and cold when I called him at work and his explanations was weird:
“I don’t know myself. Maybe I am angry at you because it seems to me that you take away from my feelings for my wife.
When I’m under stress, I start to throw overboard everything that burdens me emotionally.
I treat you badly because I don’t want to have anything in common with you.”
On the next day he would deny having said it:
“Did I say such a thing? You must have pissed me off. You know that often change.”
How could I make him understand that he needn’t detach emotionally from me? The people who poison his life are his father and his acquaintances to whom he can never say no when they ask him a favor and whom he is so anxious to please.
All through our relationship he was paranoid:
“I thought you were greedy and after my fortune. Until recently I was sure you wanted to harm me. You know people get crazy once in a while… Yesterday I thought you were a witch…”
He showed no empathy when I had some problem:
“You’re just fine. What problems can you have? You’re young and healthy. I’m the one who has problems.”
When I tried to make him aware that he hurt me, he said:
“Your only problem is that you are too sensitive and prone to depression.”
He knew that I was unemployed and thus socially isolated but when I reminded him of this and told him: “I need you and your company. Please don’t turn your back on me,” he stopped any further discussion:
“Big deal. You’re OK. I’m fed up with social contacts. Conversations exhaust me. I need nobody. I want to be on my own. People waste my time. Of course you don’t waste my time because you have to come here and help me with my work anyway.”
And then he would start talking loudly and excitedly with a potential source of narcissistic supply.
It seemed that he wanted to forget me and even tried to find me a new boyfriend: “It’s high time you got married. We have no common future. One day you’ll say that you have wasted your time with me.”
When I suggested that again he had withdrawn without an explanation, he shrugged:
“What do you want from me? I’m married and owe you nothing. You women think that once a man sleeps with you, he must owe you something.”
Then,in an attempt to make him taste some of his own medicine, I told him that all I felt for him was pity because he is mean, shallow, unsightly, mentally disordered and so on. He let me know that he was cut to the quick. But an hour later he said:
“At first I was deeply hurt but now I suddenly realised that only a very close friend could talk to me like that. I’m touched and glad to have you as my friend.”
A month before we stopped seeing each other he told me that his mental energy resources are almost exhausted, that his family and I suck him dry with our constant demands and asked me to help him get to know himself. So I translated some articles on Narcissistic Personality Disorder for him. After he read the first sentences, he said: “You are concerned about my mental health. Thank you. I really appreciate what you do for me.” His reaction surprised me: I had already suggested that he might have an NPD and he had fumed at that time: “You made me out to be a half-idiot! Am I your guinea pig?!” On the following day we even discussed what he had read and he seemed somewhat insecure: ”Am I just an interesting psychiatry case for you?”
The last time when we talked he told me: “I have realized that love nobody but myself. I don’t want to be loved by anybody…I really thought that I had feelings for you but maybe you failed to keep them alive… I don’t know… I’m through with extramarital relations…I should stop cheat on my wife and you will help me because you’ve been my only lover since we met.”
I’m mad at myself for not noticing “the red flags” early on: he called his ex-girlfriend “crazy”, said that the breakup was entirely her fault, the fact that he was eager to present himself in a good light when we met: “I always try to understand every soul I come in contact with. I have changed a lot since recently and now I’m a nice person. I am very emotional…” He pointed out that he was happily married but it was obvious that he had always needed other women in his life…


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Re: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2004, 01:54:37 AM »
Hi Ariel,
I hope you can find what you're looking for here. You are obviously hurting and I'm sorry for your pain. Recognize that you are in pain and are suffering.  
I hope that you will take the advice given in the threads and not rationalize them away. You want him to feel pain, to feel sorry for what's he's done to you, to really hurt over losing you, to really and truly treasure you.  Like all the other postings in this board we seek the same from the Narcissists in our lives. But to be frank - It probably isn't going to happen. That's what a lot of this board is about. Learning to deal with the aftermath of being used and thrown away. I don't mean to give you false hope when I say "probably" either.  I don't know what this person is feeling, but if he's like any of the other N's written about here. He isn't feeling much of anything. Especially remorse or love. Love wouldn't do that to somebody else. Love is not sex. You know Love when you have it. Trust your instincts.

It hurts me that he treated me as if I were a disposable sexual object, that while we were not together I didn’t exist for him, that one of the last things he told me was: “I already feel nostalgia. It felt good to be with you. Of course you can come round to see me but you should call me in advance…”

What a jerk. He has used you. He will continue to use you. He is telling you this in plain english. This is your billboard.

He could do without seeing me but wouldn’t give up having sex with me each time I made myself available in his office. It was the only way for me to be near him and so I had to swallow my pride…  

What are you getting out of this relationship?
he changed for the worse as soon as he noticed that I needed him

Pain or not, you need to move on, grieve, feel bad for letting yourself get taken advantage of, forgive yourself, be angry, get therapy, let go and then find someone who'll treat you the way you want to be treated or keep looking.

Do you think he spends his time mourning the loss of this relationship?
I already feel nostalgia.
He's probably out looking for his next conquest.  A quote from the movie The Color Purple "He ain't whurf it!" So don't crucify yourself and wallow too much in all this. Learn from it. You can get past this. Be strong.  
What doesn't kill us just makes us stronger.



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Re: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2004, 03:27:46 AM »
This is the 5th support group I post the same message to
Then I guess you've heard it all before. You're just lookin' for someone to tickle your ears and tell you what you want to hear. Well I'm having PMS and a bad hair day so here's what I think. First rough cut only. Just the first part though, cause my stomach couldn't handle reading the whole lot.

And it hurts me to do no contact. I still need him.

Hey, here's a novel idea. Why don't you do, grow up, and learn to meet your own needs.

I know this will never happen and the pain becomes stronger.

You know, yet you still choose to live in fairy land??? :shock:  :shock:

It seems that he changed for the worse as soon as he noticed that I needed him…

I don't blame him Sounds like you were concealing it. And needy women are such a turn off. Read a book and develop some independance and IQ.

I want him to suffer because he has lost me.

You've got one huge ego, love. What makes you so special. Remember, he's an N and I think you may have a few traits yourself. N's love to make people suffer. I think I may have a dose of it right now.  :wink: How am I doin'?
But there is no way of knowing what he feels without getting in contact with him…

Yeah, I agree, keep being manipulative and playing your games. It's gonna take you far, and achieve alot.

He was (and still is) married but it didn’t matter to me: soon after we met he said that he had time for extramarital relations since his wife had her hobbies, he had his and she respected his boundaries.

What an arsehole. I don't believe women should stab each other in the back. Did you ever think of checking with her first. Guess not.

Maybe it would have been different if I had set my rules in the beginning but I fondly believed that what we felt for each other would keep him from hurting me.

"Fondly". what an odd word to use in this context. How about delusionally. Yes, that's better.

Can I stop now. pant pant pant, this post is like a german opera. It goes for days. hahahahhaah Reminds me of one of mine.

Oh well, you did ask.  :D



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Re: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2004, 05:38:13 AM »
Some people think that I have serious issues with myself and my self-esteem but this is not the case.

The last time he called me on business I cut him short telling him that I wouldn’t come to his office because I could no longer tolerate the way he treated me.

intelligent and very beautiful woman and you can give me all I need…”

How could I make him understand that he needn’t detach emotionally from me? The people who poison his life are his father and his acquaintances to whom he can never say no when they ask him a favor and whom he is so anxious to please.
All through our relationship he was paranoid:
“I thought you were greedy and after my fortune. Until recently I was sure you wanted to harm me. You know people get crazy once in a while… Yesterday I thought you were a witch…”

He knew that I was unemployed and thus socially isolated but when I reminded him of this and told him: “I need you and your company. Please don’t turn your back on me,” he stopped any further discussion:

So I translated some articles on Narcissistic Personality Disorder for him.

I have changed a lot since recently and now I’m a nice person. I am very emotional…” He pointed out that he was happily married but it was obvious that he had always needed other women in his life…

Whoooah, baby. This sounds soooooo freakin' familiar. Reminds me sooooo much of someone else. :shock: Especially the beautiful and intelligent bit. Social security, and unemployed. Now, that makes sense! I'm really sorry for you. Really really really. You need a therapist, super bad. You translated for him. What can't he read english? Very emotional is an understatement. A witch, well you said it. Now you're a nice person!! Says who? You? After his fortune, yes probably. I'd say he's read you like a book. No sympathy from me here. It sounds all too familiar. See ya. I'm outta here, scarey stuff.


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2004, 07:23:45 AM »
Well I don't know Ariel (from the Hebrew, influenced by air, maybe there's a key in your name to your problem?), I don't know what you want and I guess you don't either.


You say you are "emotionally dependent" upon this person. My advice would be to try and be emotionally independent for a while. Dependency of any type is not healthy.

There's an awful lot about him in your post and very little about you. Maybe if you talk more about you, you'll help yourself.

Maybe if you try and connect with other people and take an interest in other people, you'll start to get better. As long as you stay locked in your story above, you won't change. And that's what you want is it? To change yourself?  :?:  

What do you want Ariel?


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2004, 08:08:18 AM »
Hey Ariel, I'm not saying that N Guru Sam Vaknin has any answers, but you might want to read this by him. It's scary stuff, for anyone, whether you think it's correct or not, just the ideas are scary....

Do Narcissists Have Emotions?   by Sam Vaknin

The Narcissist is hence unable to evoke his positive feelings without provoking his negative ones. Gradually, he becomes phobic: afraid to feel anything, lest it be accompanied by the fearsome, guilt inducing, anxiety provoking, out of control emotional complements. He is thus reduced to experiencing dull stirrings, dim movements in his soul, that he identifies to himself and to the outside world as emotions. Even these are felt only in the presence of a subject capable of providing the Narcissist with his badly needed Narcissistic supply.

Only when the Narcissist is in the overvaluation phase of his relationships, does he go through these convulsions and convolutions that he calls "feelings". These are so transient and fake in nature that they are easily replaced by rage, envy and devaluation. The Narcissist  really recreates the behavior patterns of his less than ideal primary objects.

The Narcissist knows that something is amiss. He does not empathize with other people's feelings. Actually, he holds them in contempt and ridicule. He cannot understand how people are so sentimental, so "irrational" (he identifies being rational with being cool headed and the latter with being cold blooded). Many times he finds himself believing that their behavior is fake, intended to achieve a goal, grounded in ulterior, non-emotional, motives.

He suspects, he is paranoid, embarrassed, feels compelled to run away, or, worse, experiences surges of almost uncontrollable aggression in the presence of genuinely expressed emotions. They remind him how imperfect and poorly equipped he is. They threaten him. Constant nagging by a spouse, colleagues, professors, by employers – only exacerbates the situation.

The weaker variety tries to emulate and simulate "emotions" – at least their expression, the external facet. They mimic and replicate the intricate pantomime that they learn to associate with the existence of feelings. But there are no real emotions there, no emotional correlate. This is empty affect, devoid of emotion. Being so, the Narcissist fast tires of it, he becomes impassive and begins to produce the inappropriate affect (remain indifferent when grief is the normal reaction, for instance).

The Narcissist subjects his feigned emotions to his cognition. He "decides" that it is appropriate to feel so and so. "Emotions" are invariably the result of analysis, goal setting and planning. He substitutes "remembering" for "sensing". He relegates his sensations (bodily), feelings and emotions to a kind of a memory vault. The short and medium-term memory is exclusively used to store his reactions to his (actual and potential) Narcissistic supply sources. He reacts only to such sources.

The Narcissist finds it hard to remember what he felt (even a short while ago) towards a Narcissistic supply source once it has ceased to be one. It is difficult for him to recreate the emotions, which were ostensibly involved. In his efforts to emotionally recall – he encounters a void, draws a mental blank.

It is not that Narcissists are incapable of expressing what we would tend to classify as "extreme emotional reactions". They mourn and grieve, rage and smile, excessively "love" and "care". But this is precisely what sets them apart: this rapid movement from one emotional extremity to another and the fact that they never observed occupying the emotional middle ground.

Mostly, these expressions will be related to being weaned from the Narcissistic drug. Breaking a habit is always difficult – especially one that defines (and generates) one's being. Getting rid of dependence is doubly taxing. The Narcissist identifies these crises with emotional depth and his self-conviction is so immense, that he mostly succeeds to elude his environment, as well. But a Narcissistic crisis (losing a source of Narcissistic supply, obtaining an alternative one, moving from one Narcissistic Pathological Space to another) – must never be confused with the real thing, which the Narcissist has never experienced first hand: emotions.


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2004, 08:28:44 AM »
Whew girl - my eyebrows are singed from reading what you had to say.

Try to have a good day.  :wink:



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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2004, 08:46:49 AM »
Hiya Mr T, we're just in this chicken hut worried that every new person just might be the fox (that's CG's story, not mine - and no offence intended Desolate Fox!).

I haven't really read much Vaknin before and I must say some of his stuff raises my eyebrows, in more ways than one.

How you doing Mr T?

Tamara J

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Reply:hooked on someone.
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2004, 08:48:40 AM »
Hi there,
Welcome to the board. Hope you find some piece of mind here.
I'm going to be perfectly frank here, "Play on Player" is what was running through my mind when I read your post. I have been the kind of girl that has been used for "just sex" and know a bit about what you're feeling. I've also been played by someone you feel you have a connection to, then the rug is pulled out from underneath you. Let me make a recommendation, just forget this turd. Not only does he mess with your emotions, I think he gets some kind of kick out of it. That's not entirely odd as a lot of people do that, but don't be his fool. The fact that he's married and you don't care is kind of disturbing. Not only to this happily married woman, but the fact that you are willing to settle for so little. And quit trying to analyze him. I am the queen of analyzing people and my relationships with them and some of them just aren't worth the effort. You don't have anything special going on here and his actions and words to you are only to keep you at an arms length. Think seriously about how he treats the other females in his life and ask yourself if you're willing to settle for even less than that, because you are. Don't try to fix him, don't "be" there for him, and don't wait for him to come to his "senses". It's not going to happen. Get out while the damage is only this. Move on. You're wasting you time. I know it hurts and you feel like a complete idiot for being so blind. I know this feeling, but you will live another day and be able to look back and wonder "what the hell was I thinking". Hopefully you'll be able to laugh at yourself and go on.


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2004, 09:36:41 AM »
Hi Ariel,

My original post here was filled with anger, and I'm sorry about that.  It doesn't do anyone any good.  Others here are right in saying it's good for you to be able to express your honest feelings, and I agree with others here who stress that you should seek professional help.  Here's why.

You say the man has schizophrenia.  What do you expect from this relationship?  What do you expect from him?  What do you get out of being with people suffering from mental illness?

My uncle has schizephrenia and let me tell you.  It sucks.  There's no cure.  The medication turns the most intelligent people into zombies.  Many of them commit suicide.  It's BAD.  His family has had to struggle for decades as a result of the illness.  His wife has stayed by him through it all.  His daughter has had to learn tough life lessons.

And you need this?  You need him?  You need to be in a relationship that hurts you and others?  My opinion is that you need to understand this part of you.

Good luck,
If you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million ways to be, you know that there are
-- Cat Stevens, from the movie Harold and Maude


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Re: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2004, 09:51:08 AM »
Quote from: Ariel71
Some people think that I have serious issues with myself and my self-esteem but this is not the case. I was lonely and vulnerable and he took advantage of this. Sometimes we give in and start a relationship out of desperation…

You're rationalizing really bad choices with desperation as an excuse. It's not an excuse. You're pursuing a married man with a severe mental illness. There is no way a relationship with him is appropriate. I hope you will consider therapy.



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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2004, 10:49:03 AM »
hiya all, feel like I'm losing it a bit after spending way too long reading stuff by el N supremo Sam Vaknin and I wanted to pop back and say, his stuff depresses me! I've been reading and wondering why do I feel so bad now, like the world is a terrible, irredeemable place? His stuff!

I don't need to know the psychology of torture for goodness sake do I? So there you are, maybe it's just me, but his essays got me to some place of not-good-ness. He's one clever chap, and the excerpts above are - er - interesting. I find myself agreeing with him a lot (questioning the accepted 'truths')- but heck, talk about twisting and turning my head.

Ya have to trust yourself (as CG says elsewhere to me) sometimes and well, I don't think reading Vaknin is necessarily helpful. So there! Whoooof. Shaking my head and turning to the sunshine outside  8) instead. Dangerous stuff! Anyone agree? P


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Re: hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2004, 10:50:16 AM »
Hi Ariel!  First of all I want to say that I think it was a good move on your part to share your feelings honestly.  That doesn't mean that I agree with or understand it, but I do think it is good for you to begin to try to explain and communicate your feelings.  

This is the 5th support group I post the same message to.

I agree with several of the other responders on this one - if you are searching for support from so many, are you in therapy?  I don't think you are from your post, and I think it would prove to be very helpful in sorting your feelings out and getting some professional, trained advice.

Sometimes we give in and start a relationship out of desperation...

I can relate to this.  The first thing I have learned from my therapist regarding this issue is this:  "You are a victim as long as YOU ALLOW yourself to be the victim".  That was hard for me to hear but I realize that it was and is true.  You have a choice over "giving in" and feeling "desperate".  Make the choice to put and end to these feelings (or at least START trying) and make your life better for yourself.  Obviously noone else will do this for you!

Almost two months ago (and for the second time) I put an end to my relationship with a mentally disordered person but I’m still emotionally dependent on him.

"and for the second time" scares me a little.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  Maybe you should work on making yourself healthier and then you would be more attracted to healthy men.

I think your feelings are real and valid, but I also (like others here) wonder if you have more serious underlying issues of your own that you do not realize.  I seriously think counseling will provide you with more help than any of the boards you have visited will be able to.

Know that we are rooting for you and your recovery.  At least you have taken the first step in realizing that there is a problem (be it with you, your lover, or both) - now take the next step and let someone help YOU.

Best wishes,
Healing one day at a time.....


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2004, 09:25:42 PM »

Wow!  You've got alot of replies - and varied ones - haven't you?  Is it helping?  Do you feel differently?  Can you "turn your head to the sunshine" which is definitely a place to start.

The reason I ask is because when I was in a similar situation as you, I became ultra-sensitive as well as obsessed and no matter what people said to me, it wasn't enough.  It was a kind of love that I had never experienced before.  Love with a schizophrenic that you want to be a mature love on some level but it can't be because of his mental disorder.  It is not that he WON'T love you back, he CAN'T love you.  He doesn't understand love.   I, like the others, suggest therapy to get at why you are still obsessed over him and to shed SOME LIGHT on your unconcious patterns. You quoted him countless numbers of times in your post.  I did that too if it is any consolation (spoken outloud) and it drove me crazy - the obsession, the "hooked" feeling.  It is not any fun, is it?  You want to hold on to something - maybe that is the root of obsession- so you hook yourself.  If that is the case, let go.  You will not fall far, I promise you.  In the worst case, you will hit the ground with a hard thud but you'll be able to get up again.  Then, you'll probably find the sadness and loss welling up inside but that is a good sign.  It means you are not in denial.

You said you had to "translate."  If you don't speak fluently in a common language of words, then you have my deepest sympathy.  If that is the case, you may be tempted into thinking that, if the language problem wasn't there, things would be different.  I don't think so.  In whatever language - he will cause you further pain unless you detach.  And that means detaching from his words, his actions, the memories, everything.  

If you do go with a therapist, may I suggest that you shop around and find one that suits you - trust your instincts on this one....your "gut feeling."  There are alot of therapists out there - you don't have to go with the first one that you meet.

"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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hooked on someone who wouldn't love me back
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2004, 12:31:04 PM »
Soooo Ariel....have you been back? Seen all these replies? How did you get on on the other boards? Or aren't you going to say anything in reply? Just wondering! P