Author Topic: One person's thoughts about the board  (Read 1543 times)

cats paw

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One person's thoughts about the board
« on: September 14, 2007, 11:09:02 AM »
Hello All,

   I tend to agree with some people's thoughts and feelings a bit more than others, but I can also see things I agree with in almost
   everyone's say.

   There were things brewing, as what I assume always happens, and always will.

    I just can't help wondering if this would not happen if people didn't care about each other, especially the members who have   
    been posting for so long, or those who post frequently.  Yes, I know there are other motivations, but I wanted to mention this
    one only.

    What is the exhortation, to live peaceably with others, whenever possible?   Determining what this looks like, then doing it, is
    part of the human condition.

    This is just one person, choosing to use this post only as a vehicle for my voice.

Respectfully to All,

cats paw       


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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 11:27:26 AM »
I think you expressed yourself beautifully cats paw and bravely because it's hard to address heartfully and vulnerably these issues that come up.  Well done you.   8)

Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 08:16:28 PM »
Dear cats paw,

I have not kept up with reading posts, so I have probably missed a lot. But I have seen a few conflicts arise lately. I wonder if its just because everyone who has sat down and wrote about their past in the `my story' section is feeling very raw, vulnerable, and in pain right now? I have tried writing my story and it stirred up so much pain that I couldn't finish it, so i can only imagine how members felt when they completed their stories and then posted them in public.

Perhaps the best for all of us to try to be understanding of one another right now?

X bella

Gaining Strength

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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 10:37:46 AM »
Bella - I think you have a very good point.  I think the Stories section is a fantastic idea.  I have only read a few and when the thought of posting my own floated across my mind I dismissed it quickly.  I find that even here I don't think I can tell my story in a way that people will understand.  It took my therapist many, many years to finally get what I had experienced and he caught on before I did. The times I have shared the most painful I have gotten responces that were virtual slaps in the face.

I suspect you have hit the nail on the head with these words, "very raw, vulnerable, and in pain".  It is a mystery to me what happens among those of us who have experienced so much pain, and yet we can, out of our pain, be very hurtful to others.  Perhaps with our own pain, the pain of others can at times be too much to bear.  I'm not sure.  It does seem that very, very few people can tolerate listening to a person's tale and respond with compassion. 


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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 10:41:15 AM »
Cat's Paw!!  Right on.......hurting people hurt people........PMSing people hurt people..................(that would be me......basket case when I am PMSing)

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

cats paw

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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 11:54:00 AM »
Good Morning !

  Authentic - thank you.

  Iphi - hello, and thank you.  I enjoy your posts, and I listen when you write.

  Bella - hello to you too, and I enjoy your writing also.  I am glad that you brought this out about the Stories.  I agree about the 
  vulnerability being part of the equation as of late, and the call for trying to be understanding of each other.  This is something that
  came to mind when the Stories section was started, and like Gaining Strength, I did, and do think it's a good idea for those who
  want to write their stories.
   Kelly- hello there you sometimes PMSing basket case! (self-identified, of course!)  Thanks.

   I am glad that people are commenting on my post, and it can take whatever direction it will.  What I was wanting to highlight was
   what I had witnessed as a lurker, and that I think it will always continue in some fashion.  The other point was that there are
   relationships on this board, whatever form they may be, and people are invested in relationships. 

   The relationships can involve relationships with others, with self, with pain , with healing, with being right, with finding common
   ground, etc., or any combination of many things, ad infinitum.

   I am grateful for the opportunity to learn, to try to discern what I need to learn, for benefitting from others' contributions.

   And for this, I need to thank each and every one of you.  There is a person behind each post, and I realize this.  So many times,
   I am sure there are many, like myself, trying to listen, even when they don't speak.

   Thanks for the opportunity to expound my .02 !

cats paw



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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2007, 02:44:16 PM »
Cat's Paw,
You are such a gentle person.

Thank you for your wisdom, your sensitivity and kindness.

Sometimes one gets flooded by "correction" or has Proper Thinking
explained with heavy fingers wagging.

I hope you will hold to that small green leaf that is your own.
It is very beautiful.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: One person's thoughts about the board
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2007, 12:03:45 AM »

You are the undisputed Wise Woman of the universe...

