Hugs to you Axa. It is so hard to uproot all on your own; well I find it hard, anyway. I tend to detach too, so i can relate. I think i probably do it in order to move on, otherwise the grief would overwhelm me. I think thats why I do it, anyway (not really sure)
Axa, in the last 10 years, i've had to uproot more than 8 times. Some of that was due to being renter, and the other part was because I had unstable relationships. I absolutely hated it each time, and felt totally off. I am someone who much prefers to sit put, grow roots, develop a community. But i haven't had the opportunity to do so as an adult. I am craving the time i can own an actual place of my own.
I have noticed a pattern though, from moving so many times. I usually feel really bad and off about a move at first, but once I have all my things in a new place, there is a kind of `magical exciting' phase right afterwards. I think the change is very invigorating, when it comes down to it. I can totally see why people get addicted to travelling..its the buzz of being in anew environment.
I promise you, dear axa, you will feel excited very soon:) Its just around the corner.
X Bella