Dear Iphi,
I am so sorry you were exposed to all that darkness beginning from such a tender age.
For me, it feels like it was all subliminal... like I've been reading sour, smug looks and critically disapproving snubs from the womb.
No more of this being labeled "them" ... not by self and not by anyone else.
Whenever this comes up again, I feel exactly as you've described... as though the thing which is being demanded is just the same as what N demanded from birth - codependent servitude. "I don't care what you think/need/want - this is all about ME and if you were a decent human being, you'd disappear for my sake!"
Well, I refuse to be boxed that way by self-obsessed fools AND I am so glad you're out of that box.
Also, stymie-ing a cerebral N into silence is no small task, so I'm taking lessons from you!
I'm practicing what Beth has said here... catching those thoughts and just dealing with the immediate need, as possible and if appropriate (keys, there!) - without assuming responsibility for the whole mess.
Starfish, Changing's reply really is right on the money, I agree. I'm sorry you're still engaged in your mother's dance, because she is sure to never allow you to lead. I'll go read your story's latest installment asap... and in the meanwhile:
Ancient wisdom says... when the horse is dead, the prudent thing to do is DISMOUNT! heh.