Dear Authentic and all here,
As you all know, I received an unkind message this week. The person who sent it obviously feels I am not ont he same track as she and others here. I am sorry that this person had a reaction to me and my words. The reason I have chosen not to put her name here is that I feel we all need help here. No one needs help more than another. We need to be here for each other. At the same time, I hope that all of you will be able to see, especially the newcomers, that some nasty words cannot hurt you. We are all special, and every contributing member helps here, because someone can identify with you.
Authentic, I am not sure why you felt that others thought you would send me that message. I know that we have had ups and downs, but I was happy to see you back and I think you bring good points to the table and a necessary stream of information we can all use. I am sorry you had the perception that people blamed you. I really don't think they did and I would not lead them to think that way. I hope you are feeling better and that you will continue to help us here.
Thank you all. I think the message is a past deal... but if any of you ever feels attacked in such a manner, please make sure to protect yourself. Keep the evidence. Send it to Dr. Grossman, post it here. Whatever you need to do. It is important to be proactive.
Love, Beth