Hello Dears-
I had a telephone appointment with the Dean of Students Office of my law school today. I have been getting a creepy feeling from those calls from the Bagworm demanding that I meet him and sign the property over to him as sole owner, and his showing up at my gate- I have been frantically finishing up with getting out of the house (before that accident, I could do this sort of thing so quickly! It's aggravating...) so I decided to take one more day and get it done , rather than go back and forth and feel anxious about what will happen next. When the P.I. gets Bagworm's address, I can have the restraining order served and guns taken away right then and there-otherwise things could worsen at that point...
The Dean's rep said that I could just say that I had a medical condition or tell about the entire thing to the profs (What do you think?)
She also said that I need to bring a photo of Bagworm so the guards will take him down if he tries to get in the grounds of the law school, and that they can get me a notetaker, help with typing items, etc. Not what I had hoped for (I don't know exactly what I had hoped for!) but it's a start. They need written permission to speak with my attorney,but that's a good thing, actually.
I am going in some direction, but which...I need to settle down and think, make choices, and plan, so that I am more effective. Thank you for being there!