Hi Beth,
Someplace recently, I think I read you say that you're not sure how long you'll be in your current location?
I know for me, that'd be enough to set me on edge and make me reluctant to get too involved with anything.
Thinking of ways to overcome that "unknown" factor... maybe some sort of shorter-term commitment? Volunteer work perhaps?
I love to be around older folks, and around here, they're the only ones working the community sharing/thrift shop/food distribution for the needy places. I've considered getting involved with that, but been so busy here putting my own home into order... just now finally got our roof fixed after months of waiting.
Oh, also... maybe even an online class, which would be something you could take along with you, even if there's another move in the near future? Might be good to have something like that in the works, that's not dependent on location.