First of all, I do so hope that whatever you decide brings you closer and closer to your heart's desire. I enjoy your liveliness, your passion, your contributions. I am sorry that my shrinking away, being in bystander mode, is something that is hurtful.
I agree that many things can be accomplished by coming together, yet sometimes I know that the very best I am able to do at a given time is to pull back, so I will not add further difficulties to others, or myself. Could I do better? Most assuredly, everyone can.
I think the other thing I said was I thought the moderation on the board was "good enough" a la Winnicott. I was referring to the formal moderation, and I was heartened to see what Dr. G. wrote, esp. the invitation for all to self-moderate.
Do you remember I once wrote to you that feline ears were listening, even when you didn't hear a mew? I wish I was able to be more adequate in order to be a part of the solution.
OK- now I'm going to go back to just lurking again, and concentrating on 3D things that need my attention. No need to respond to this, Authentic, unless you would truly want to. I would accept listening to you if you did want to, I just want to highlight that I am comfortable with no response if it is best for you.
With best wishes to you, Authentic, from the returning to lurking cats paw.