No...I am only in my early 60's, in great health and don't need this, hopefully, for another 25-30 years. BUT, I have been eldercaring my Nmother and started thinking about myself...and all those millions of others in the same position.
I do have a son and he might be married finally..and able to help me.
But all those oldsters who are in this predicament now, what a drag. I think when I get out of here I may just volunteer to visit old people and assist some.
You really gain empathy for this situation--especially those without the proper amount of funds saved--when you take care of someone elderly. They need you to help with everything from cooking to taking the dog out to running errands. AND it is amazing how nobody visits you when you get so old and in not such good shape. I think people think it is catching. Maybe this is where living in a small, tightknit community would really help?
So, alone and old must be very, very, very lonesome. No wonder they commit suicide.
Do a kindness today, somebody, and say hello to some old person. Maybe offer to help. Or, at the very least, have a conversation with them. That surely would help alot, I think. It is a sad, sad, sad situation America has put itself in worshiping youth and neglecting our elderly.