I am resilient in some areas whereas in others I am continually prostrate under the weight of it all. For some reason that is making me laugh right now...
NO LAUGHING, IPHI! Just kidding.....
Where ya been, lol?
I found myself laughing at a missing sofa cushion at the T's office today. At first I expelled air (read that as started to laugh) then covered it with a cough.
Then I washed my hands.... felt better.....sat down facing the MC..... and made the identical noises.

I had to wonder why I was taking the Seinfeld's
peed on sofa approach, to the matter. Hmmmm.... didn't the entire cast end up in jail for making fun at other's people's expense?

Surely, some poor soul had suffered there, or in that general ( around that spot ) area, yes?
I had just determined to sit and feel compassion for whatever may have happened......
exploding coke,
bodily fluid leak, projectile.... ?
children's marker gone amok when.....
the guy who'd just ran 15 minutes over with my T came out and headed straight for the missing cushion
and just managed to miss hitting the hard sofa with a quick shift of his bottom to the right, lol. My right, lol.
Everyone in that waiting room thinks I have a very
I spoke with my T about that incident, and some others I've been pondering recently, with regard to laughter.
After he stopped laughing
about the cushion, which had seen another
seen another visit to the drycleaners in the past..... he made me feel better about
my laughing. He was amazed that I
could laugh and was very pleased with my energy, in general, considering what it's been over the last 9 months.
I felt better and find your laughter.... in this case...... a better coping tool than some that come to mind: )