Dear Sunblue,
I kind of hit a `wall' too, after about 7-10 years in my field, when I reached a certain level of experience in my career & I was no longer suited to `junior-ish' type positions. It came as a bit of a shock, as I had never had problems with gaining positions in my field as a junior. My early experiences in job hunting were along lines of `oh look, this job sounds interesting'. So I'd go to the interview, and get the job, just like that!
Upon reflection, I think its just a totally different playing field when the kind of jobs you apply for are more interesting, pay more, and have any kind of power attached to them. This is where you start competing with power mongers, narcissists, and professional `impression managment' types, who specialize in power, and want it desperately. Plus the competition is fierce from company `insiders', who have climbed the ladder and have their eyes on these more powerful jobs.
In my field, the problem was so bad that it took me 3 whole years (!) before I found another permanent job, and in the beginning it was only casual and seemed temporary. I had good fortune, in that the job turned out to be much better than I hoped, and became full time. It was the best job I could have ever imagined, until 3 years later and was assign an abusive N superviser, and i eventually resigned.
I kind of `solved' my career problems by starting up my own business, but I started it when i was still employed and had some security and income to launch the business. It went better than expected, in a short time frame, so I was able to quit my job with in about 18 months after starting it. I don't think I could ever go back to workforce and all that competition. If I was earning the kind of money I am now in the workforce, I'd be constantly pulling knives out of my back and the stress wouldn't be worth it.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this is what's going on for you in your career, but if it is, I just wanted to let you know its kind of normal and understandable. Perhaps it would help if you thought about your situation more long term?
Hugs, and much love,
X Bella