Iphi and besee and Janet - I enjoy reading all of you, and so many times I read and say- man, I'll have to come back and chime in
with the interesting points that were made, but I don't come back round the bend.
Gratitude- thanks, and I see you didn't take much of a breather right away? Glad you didn't.
Kelly, sunblue, RM- I'm glad you added to this thread- esp. Kelly with this too shall pass.
Mudpuppy. When I came back to lurk, and saw that you had posted a reply, it meant a lot to me. It also totally cracked me up,
and I so enjoy your banter.
I also want to thank Authentic. Though for now, it appears she was a casualty, I hope she's lurking and can see all the things
being discussed.
There are others who have not written on this particular thread, but who are part of this board, and I want to thank all of you.
A couple of heroes will need to remain unnamed, therefore, unsung. You know who you are.
With a few exceptions, I handle conflict pretty well in 3D. I just needed to be reminded of it, and that there many kind people
on this board who are able to be understanding of the times when I need to handle conflict on the board in my own way.
cats paw