Author Topic: Just for the sake of trying to make a point? or--- well it came to mind.  (Read 2796 times)


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Re: Just for the sake of trying to make a point? or--- well it came to mind.
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2007, 12:31:44 PM »

I know what you mean about 'going to work separately' and not having time for each other. We got really close once we stopped working for other people, and started working from home, for ourselves. We spend just about all our time together...when my H goes sailing at the weekends, the house feels weirdly quiet. I love it when he comes back, and we can sit and talk about our day doing things we like, rather than the kind of 'de-briefing sessions' we used to have each day when we came in from stressful work!


I think respect for each other is one of the most importane things. And not trying to change the other person (or hold them back in their growth just because you like them as they were when you first met them....sounds too much like my N mother to me! Far too controlling!)



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Re: Just for the sake of trying to make a point? or--- well it came to mind.
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2007, 01:39:51 PM »
You all know I have to put in my vote for marriage on the happy side.
But... I think you have to be realistic going into a marriage. Any bad habits a person has before marriage will not go away. Marriage is work, but you have to have good material to work with. Our friends have good marriages too. I don't waste too much time with those who want to complain all the time.
The love we have now is so different from what we had when we met or were first married. It is acceptance and peace.
Love, Beth

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams