Dear SoSmall,
For me, it's been necessary to practice voicing my opinions... even at times when I mighta been better off/wiser to keep them to myself... just to get alot of stuff out into the open air. This board, for one, is a great place to do that.
Discernment about when to speak and when to hold our peace is very important too, of course... but that can wait a bit, I think. For starters, just feels to me like we're often at the toddler stage as we recover from voicelessness. I mean, there's alot stored up in us from all the years of being silenced.
As I give voice to my own feelings and opinions, I'm seeing more and more that they have just a few common roots.
The biggest root has been a sense of having been unknown.
Of all the things in the world that I can remember desiring, it was for someone to be willing and eager to know me...
and now I realize it wasn't just "someone" for whom I longed - it was my parents.
When that is not an option (which of course it is not, when people are highly N),
then I feel like it's up to me to allow myself an inner parent who is willing and eager to know me.
They're the ones I'm really angry with in the first place, you know... the part of them that I incorporated into myself. That's who really needs to hear my opinions and feelings. Once that's accomplished, then I think we're free to share or hold our opinions as we see fit, without suffering any great angst in the process. The work really is internal, but to have a sounding board (like this place) sure can expedite the process!
Love to you,