I thought I would do a little update . . .
M really had a good time at camp yesterday. He sort of wanted to stay the night tonight, but he didn't tell me last night, and I wasn't going to rush about at 6 in the morning to get his things together. His exact words were that he had a blast, and it was awesome, even though he was really, really tired. He said it was just fun, fun, fun all day long. Great huh?
He called his grandma to tell her about and then she balled me out because he wanted to spend the night, and I had to listen to a long speech about child molestors, and how he shouldn't have a teenage camp counselor in his cabin because he'll probably do something to M in his sleep if he decided to spend the night. (Even worse, she said something similar to M while on the phone with him.) Then she gave me a whole lecture about how the public school shouldn't be opening themselves up for a lawsuit like this.
I distinctly remember going to camp twice when I was younger, although I think I only went for a couple of days, not a whole week. No one said anything then. Granted I was a little older, but still . . .
I couldn't get her off the phone, and she just kept calling me. She called before I ever got home because I stopped to pick up some dinner. I had a headache, and I was tired and didn't feel like cooking.
M is not staying the night tonight, although I'm picking him up much later so he can enjoy the evening activities. He seems to being doing well with the other kids. The teachers said he was doing a good job of "blending in" (m's words).
Overall, it seems to be a very positive experience, and I haven't had much of a problem getting him up in the morning.
I'm working on countering my negative thoughts . . . see post here: