Does the fact that I have done what you suggest consistently and patiently for the last 7 years make any difference? Even today, I recounted a couple of painful experiences and asked him if he felt the remotest feeling of defense. He said that if it had come from a neighbor, that yes, he would jump to defend me. With regards to his families behavior, he sees intellectually that maybe it is not the best but that he doesn't feel anything at all. He then said that he struggles with the feeling that he and his family are a bit superior. And though they don't say it out loud, they do have the right to judge people as being less than them. That traditionally has meant me. He says that for most of our married life, he has thought of me as lesser. Now he says it is different, but that he can't trust himself not to betray me. He is pretty sure he will.
What do I do with that? I am tired. This is deal breaker stuff for me. It hurts too much and I know I am not strong enough to go up against his family alone again. I have tried over and over again this year and now I am road kill. Talking to him about it and trying to illustrate it just doesn't seem to make a dent. It is in his control and after so many I just don't know how patient I should be.
Sorry, Bella. I guess I am kinda whining here. It is just such a long and fruitless battle and I can't see how we can continue unless something changes. He is very methodical to the point of avoiding the issue. He doesn't face things the way I do....or anyway for that matter until he is completely backed into a corner and has to choose. Who wants love that you have to extract and force into being? That is how this feels.
Dear, Poppyseed, no need to say sorry; thats not whining! Your feelings are totally legitimate, and your husband is clearly allowing you be harmed by his N- family; he's even part of it. I guess I don't have anything else concrete to suggest, as you've done everything I tried, and it hasn't worked with him. I cannot imagine the feelings of betrayal and vulnerability you must be experiencing right now, dear Poppyseed. You've been through so much!
Pops, Something I didn't try, but considered, was just staying away from the N's in his life altogether, and letting him have those relationships alone. I decided against it myself, because I really, really, need a partner now who can protect me, and our relationship, from N-abuse. Its very important to me, after everything I've been through in the past. Before meeting him, I had decided that I didn't want N's close to me anymore, and I didn't want or need a partner who brought N's close to me and let them abuse me.
That was one reason; the other was that I knew that N's could harm my relationship even if I was never around. That could criticize me, influence his behavior and thinking, and drive a wedge between us, especially if i wasn't around to defend myself.
But like i said, i didn't try it, and it could have bought us some time if we had have needed it.
I'm not sure if any of this helps, but I want you know I think this is pretty terrible behavior on your husband's part IMHO. I really hope it will work out. I totally understand that could feel like a deal-breaker too. It did for me.
love to you!
X Bella