"Upside down, boy ya turn me, inside out and round and round" (control freak over someone's life?)
"I think you're crazy" (nice guy or gal)
"Leavin on a jet plane...dont' know when I'll be back again. Oh babe I hate to go" (maybe borderline? lol)
"You don't bring me flowers anymore" (jerk!

"Hit Me Baby One More Time" (masochist)
" I Can't Live if Livin is without You" (codep to the max!)
"Hungry Like the wolf" (am thinking what? cannabalism?)
"What's Forever For?" (abandonment)
"Every Step You Take...I'll be watching you" (not comforting if coming from your STALKER!)
Karma Chameleon (commitment phobia)
"Burnin Down the House" (keep the matches put up for this psychotic person!)
"Jessies Girl" ( a little bit of envy goin on or something?)
"Who can it Be Now?" (kinda creepy stalker song)
"I'm Too Sexy for my..." (NARCISSISTIC~)
"WHIP IT" (you tell ME)