I am really happy to share a new phase of my life. I am starting to learn how I want to live and what rules and principles I want to live by.
I realize that I can't get all my "new rules' at once. They will come step by step as I venture outside of my comfortable room( Howard ?)
Yesterday,I learned a new and wonderful principle. It 'changed" two painful situations in my life( almost instantly).
My new principle is that you have to be WILLING to stand alone-- away from everyone and everything and FOR yourself.
I had the difficult situation with Maria that I had described. I felt so sorry for her. Over the year,I have given her 5 thousand dollars or more.(YIKES).I felt like every time she came to talk to me that she was"hinting" for me to give her money( no money for children.food, gas. electric bill, water bill, insurance etc). I really did not know what to do. I really just wanted to run away. However, this principle seemed to provide the answer. I called her up and laid all the cards on the table, as I am now. I was prepared for our friendship to go forward or end. I was prepared to accept, EITHER.. That is the key to this principle working. You cannot be 'invested" in the outcome. You can JUST make the stance. If the outcome concerns other people, you have NO power over how it turns out.
At first, she said (in so many words)," I don't want to be your friend if you can think THAT of me". I stood firm. I said ,"If you want to take it that way,I am willing to accept your decision. I simply cannot have this oppression on me anymore.. I have given enough to get you on your feet. Now, I feel like I am being taken advantage of b/c I am perceived as weak."
I said all this truth b/c my principle was MORE important to me than THIS friendship or ANY friendship. She backed down. She probably was "testing" me.I don't know. We, as humans ,have many sides. Many of then are not good. I guess that this is just life--BLEH.
Anyway, Maria and I are back to being friends and probably stronger. . ,Maria is coming over today for coffee.
The other miracle is my M. Once I formulated this principle, I realized that my M was stealing my integrity and my core ( all the time). I told her that if she could not take the onus on HER to build the trust that SHE had broken, then I DID not want a relationship with her. I told my F and my F supported me 100%., which was a wonderful gift.
My F supported me with Maria, which was a wonderful gift,too.
So, I believe that I will learn new principles for life-- a little at a time. It would have been wonderful if I learned HOW to live when I was a child,but I didn't. I learned how to die and "die" I did until I almost ,literally died.
That is the outcome of following an N---- some form of death. It could be depression, addictions, self loathing etc. However,it is a death.It will get you and drag you down as far as it can,with no pity Ami