I know that I have found the path out of my emotional"illness".Now, I know how I got "emotionally ill". I can see these two roads clearly. . I see the road IN to emotional illness.My core was almost totally destroyed by my M's "gaslighting".The question,"WHOOO do you think YOUOOO are?" led me to shut down my connection to my core. The answer was'" I am no one. I can not rely on myself. I am nothing. I bow to you.Please show me how to think, feel and react and most importantly perceive" I gave over my eyes, ears, instincts and intelligence to a monster who was simply bigger than I was and her helper(My F) who would not stand up and tell the truth . The monster( my M )lived and fed off my innocence, sweetness, inner wisdom and beauty.
.I was a 'tasty morsel". I became---- no one.I was a big ''dressed up person" with a core that wind could go through. My core was almost gone.I was "mentally ill' to the degree that my core was lost. I will be mentally healthy to the degree that I can restore it. This is one of the biggest tragedies that can happen to a person. They "throw away" their essential self when it is so BEAUTIFUL.. I see the road out.I need to exercise that muscle(trust in myself) until it reaches the point of strength like a body builders muscle. I see it having a quiet strength-.I see it having a quiet grace and dignity.(like my grandmother).I want to "feel" it there like legs under my body.I have to honor it, feed it,love it and be loyal to it. Then I walk using it and I walk out of abuse in to peace.Many people don't want us to be strong. We can be abused much easier when we are weak(bullied). Many people have a vested interest in keeping us weak. We will get "flak" for our new stance. I am quite sure of that.However,if we give in to the 'flak" we will stay abused.
It is a big step to see the way out.It is a 'map" for the journey in to wholeness. It is an opening in the window of "emotional illness" and offers a promise of the way out.
My situation with Maria was a symbol of how to use your trust in yourself to lead you out of "abuse".When I came down to the "rock bottom "level, I had simple choices. Was I going to trust my gut or my needs( many of which are codependent)? ?Was I going to be willing to stand alone or was I going to be a dog who rolls over for someone else. I eventually made the right choices. I am thankful that the stakes were not bigger( my whole bank account--- YIKES). Now,I need to take these two qualities and put them in my "bag of tools "for life.
I will always need them.
I am willing to go out and try to use my new lessons and be open to more lessons b/c there are MANY more and I am worth it and you are,also Love Ami