Pls advise. I recently divorced after 24 years from an abusive spouse. He was emotionally, mentally, and occasionally physically, abusive. My sons are 20 and 17. My older son was always respectful to me. Appeared to care about me. Encouraged me to attend my hobbies - etc. I have always had a positive healthy relationship with my sons - where I have gone beyond the call of duty (willingly) and I have let them know that I value them and appreciate them. I have always been respectful of their father - despite the difficulties. I cannot say this of him. I also do not know what he says or has said behind my back. In their presence (when I am not around), he tends to revert to being a 16 year.
Because of financial reasons, my sons and I live in a house "in the front." My Ex has moved to the one-bedroom cottage in the backyard. Not ideal, but one has to do what one has to do. He refused to take any furniture. He dresses in rags, is very skinny (partly by choice). He does not take care of himself. The divorce has not changed my Ex. He is just like he used to be -only he lives in the back and not in the house with us. And I am not cleaning up after him, or picking after him - so it looks worse than it did before. Therefore, it looks like my Ex has gone done hill - because - he lays on the couch with a blanket over him all evening and into the night (he's chronically depressed). He did this before but I guess it wasn't as noticable. And he would scream at us to be quiet when we were just "living" in the livingroom - talking, enjoying life - but not being too loud. His kitchen counter has coffee grinds and coffee spills all over it (I was wiping it up when we shared a house). There is at least a month of coffee grounds sitting on his counter - that is 2 cups a day, 7 days a week. He has a pile of cigarette butts in front of his television. He sits and stares at the tv all evening and night,until he falls asleep, just like he did in"our" house - only he does it alone.
**I have talked w/both of my sons as to why I got a divorce. They both, in the past, commented on how their parents get along better now than before.
Only recently - my older sons seems to be holding something against me. He used to be the one who was nicest to me - most compassionate. He used to encourage me to have a hobby, etc. He used to smile more often.
Recenlty, he has had to pay for his own car insurance and make a car payment to me. (He bought a jeep off me.) I'm not wealthy - I can not just "give" him the car - since I cannot give the 17 year a car.
Also, his car insurance is expensive. I realize in hind-site - that he should have been paying all along, but we didnt' force him to. Of course - I was trying to "make up" for everything I thought was lacking in their lives from having a chronically depressed father - who is also N and BPD.
When their father would get angry with them, I stood up for my children and would not tolerate name-calling from their father (to them) and I would not allow him to get physical with them. I tried to stop him from name-calling, BUT, in spite - he would do it whenever he got angry.
I've "been there" for my kids - coming to their defense in the home. And outside the home at their schools, etc. (I work full time as well.)
So now - why does my son look at me as the bad guy?
I am the one who has them do chores - it's very rare- but whever I ask him to do anything - he does the job 60%. Always leaving something undone. I am the one who has to remind him to pay for the car insurance, the car payment - and the parking ticket that he got - that I had to pay because the car is in my name. I don't like feeling like a BILL Collector.
Both boys pal around with each other. My younger son told me to take an anti-bitch pill the other night. He said it as a joke but I know he meant it seriously. I dont' think that I over do it - maybe once in awhile - but if I don't stay after them about certain things- they won't get done.
I have been respectful of my sons - I don't cross certain boundaries. Only recenlty, during disagreemetns - my older son - he has violated my boundaries. Saying terrible things to me. Saying disgraceful things - like I am an opponent - instead of someone valuable in his life. Cruel things - that he doesn't take back or regret saying. I don't ever talk this way with them. Please pardon me for being crude - but he said I "kissed the younger brother's ass so much, I could not pull my lips out of his butt crack."
Disgusting. Why the sudden, big change? Please help me understand.
He is going thru changes, his girlfriend of 5 years is going away to a University, he has to start paying bills, his parents got divorced - etc.
Why is he striking out at me? And so visciously. right now - thinking about it (he said that last night) - I don't want to talk with him. He has been told by me - that he could leave if he wanted to. Last night after he said that disgusting thing to me - I called his father on the phone and told him "You may not have had any respect for me, but I will not tolerate it from your son." I told him what happened. He came over - asked his son what was going on - there was no answer. He told our son that if he didnt' talk respectful to his mother - he would have to live elsewhere.
Plus, during the argument - he looked like he was going to hit me.
Why is he so angry towards me?