I have to go look that up.... it's the high school kissing disease, right, lol?
Poor Pops.
Just what you needed......
Hey... did you have anything swell up in your armpit..... painfully?
Yesterday I about came out of my skin with this lump and now it's about gone but I've been feeling dreadful as well.
I guess that would be about right..... that I laughed about the kissing disease while I have it too, lol.
We just went through that hand mouth disease in my 5yo's class and I'm sure I had it. I thought this might have been attached somehow.
She had little blisters under her toes and they get sores in their mouths, which only I got. Ouch and ick.
It's not the same as the livestock mad cow or hoof mouth disease one.
It goes around little kids schools...... thank goodness it isn't lice