There are lots of people here with N mothers, that's true. It may be that, because women are more likely to 'admit' that their parents were N's, that it gets talked about more (men are 'trained' by society to not admit anything 'emotional' is wrong). There are a few men who post here, but it's 98% female here, I think!!
I don't think there's even a remote possibility that you'll ver be an N, actually. For one thing, you are acknowledging when things are wrong in your life(like when you went to your T, feeling overwhelmed). N's don't do that, because they can never admit that ANYTHING could POSSIBLY be wrong with THEM!! You seem far too sensible and level-headed to be an N, to me!
Although it's true that narcissism is often passed down through the generations, that is usually through the N parent making a Golden Child out of one of their children. This child then HAS to stay in that role in order to get the parent's love, so they sacrifice their own identity to do it, and often become an N to the next generation. N's often (but not always) target children of the same gender as them, as they 'reflect' easier. From what you've said of your childhood, that didn't happen to you.
My sister if our family's Golden Child. I'd hate to be her!
The published statistics claim that 72% of N's are male, but as you've said, on this forum, most N's that are talked about are mothers. Part of this discrepancy can be put down to the Bad Mommy Taboo (where it's socially unacceptable to question the angelic-like role of mothers), but the other part of it is that the stats are compiled by psychiatrists and psychologists, from the people who they see in counselling. Men make up a larger proportion of those. That's often because they get referred against their will, once they become tied up with the Criminal Justice System, having committed crimes and been caught. Women who transgress the law often don't get medical treatment prescribed as part of their 'sentence'. They just get locked up for being 'bad'. So, the figures are skewed, IMO.