Dear Pops,
It's great to read you... been thinking of you alot this weekend.
I've been feeling just as you've described, but thinking it was an emotional/spiritual sort of attack.
Now I dunno... but my bloodwork is to be done this coming Friday, so we shall see. Expressing my... uckiness

... in feelings/mood/attitude - both here on the board and then here at home - was a big help. Well, I should say that the listening, caring, responsive ears in both places have been the help... and I am so thankful for another lesson in leaning.
Poppy, it feels to me like we're both about to transverse the hump, yanno? Not that there won't be other lumps and bumps, but this is the major humpydoo... lol. ((((((()))))))) I know I'm ready for a downhill slide that's fun and entertaining and I bet you are, too! You know, the sort that ends in a happy splash and grins, with no bruising and bandaids... that kinda slide. Weee......

So much love to you,