Author Topic: Dr. Visit  (Read 3625 times)


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Re: Dr. Visit
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2007, 03:43:19 PM »
So sorry you're sick, but so glad you know the reason.
A diagnosis always helps.

Mono will pass...but boy is it an opportunity to take self-care seriously.

Please do that, and let us know how you're doing it. Okay?

What's first in your self-care list of new good kindly things to do for yourself?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Poppy Seed

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Re: Dr. Visit
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2007, 09:22:47 PM »
I am sitting here in my comfy pants and favorite oversized sweater watching the snow fall out my window and thinking how sweet you all are.  I am trying to take care.  I am fairly sure I have had this for a while.  I don't feel that sick,  just really run down and exhausted.  I suppose it is my body trying to tell somethin'!  Duh!  :)  It is comforting to have an least in part as to why I haven't been able to feel better.  A diagnosis helps all the resting doesn't make me look like a bum!!  I suppose it is time to establish better patterns of keeping my stress level under control.  For the most part, things are going really well, and with all of your wonderful insight and a place to vent and voice, I am slowly working it all out.  Especially my last couple of threads.  I have lots to think about and I feel more centered.

Dr. says lots of B12 shots for the next 6 weeks and she gave me another few supplements to add to my daily routine and then lots O' rest.  I will get the rest of my test results on Monday.


Did you discover what that bump was? Perhaps hormones?  And that hand foot and mouth disease is awful.  We have had that a few times. 


Mono is short for Mononucleosis.  It is a lot like Epstein Bar or Chronic Fatigue only not as prologed.  And it IS the kissing disease as you can get it from kissing. 


Did you get your results back?  Maybe you posted something about it on a different thread.  I am falling a little behind......

« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 09:24:40 PM by Poppyseed »

Certain Hope

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Re: Dr. Visit
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2007, 09:46:28 PM »
Dear Pops,

It's great to read you... been thinking of you alot this weekend.
 I've been feeling just as you've described, but thinking it was an emotional/spiritual sort of attack.
Now I dunno... but my bloodwork is to be done this coming Friday, so we shall see.  Expressing my... uckiness  :P... in feelings/mood/attitude - both here on the board and then here at home - was a big help. Well, I should say that the listening, caring, responsive ears in both places have been the help... and I am so thankful for another lesson in leaning.

Poppy, it feels to me like we're both about to transverse the hump, yanno? Not that there won't be other lumps and bumps, but this is the major humpydoo... lol. ((((((())))))))  I know I'm ready for a downhill slide that's fun and entertaining and I bet you are, too! You know, the sort that ends in a happy splash and grins, with no bruising and bandaids... that kinda slide. Weee......  :D

So much love to you,

Poppy Seed

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Re: Dr. Visit
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2007, 10:35:02 PM »

I just read a little bit of your struggle on the another thread.  And I feel like a dingle that I didn't see it all sooner.  Got a little busy the last two days. 
Dear Pops,

It's great to read you... been thinking of you alot this weekend.
 I've been feeling just as you've described, but thinking it was an emotional/spiritual sort of attack.
Now I dunno... but my bloodwork is to be done this coming Friday, so we shall see.  Expressing my... uckiness  :P... in feelings/mood/attitude - both here on the board and then here at home - was a big help. Well, I should say that the listening, caring, responsive ears in both places have been the help... and I am so thankful for another lesson in leaning.

Poppy, it feels to me like we're both about to transverse the hump, yanno? Not that there won't be other lumps and bumps, but this is the major humpydoo... lol. ((((((())))))))  I know I'm ready for a downhill slide that's fun and entertaining and I bet you are, too! You know, the sort that ends in a happy splash and grins, with no bruising and bandaids... that kinda slide. Weee......  :D

So much love to you,

I would love to understand more about the emotional/spiritual attack.  I feel like most of my strugglings this past 10 months have been that very thing.  I say "Get thee hence" a lot!!!!  You must be special cuz that adversary tends toward taking down the mammoths amongst us! KWIM?  That is code for "you are really awesome."

I am glad that there has been so much support for you on the board and more importantly at home.  Your H sounds like good people to me!  I wish I had something wonderful to say....but alas, my capacities for such things are small.  :?  It does feel good to get all the uckiness out. For me, I have been adding all the irrational stuff.....the adversarial thoughts....and the emotion to my posts-- just trying to purge it.  This last go 'round has given me a sense of peace and I feel that the burden has lifted on certain levels.  That feels good. Better than groping and struggling in the dark not knowing when it will end.  I am grateful for comments and ideas that speak truth to my spirit.  They are the lifelines that bring me out of the gloom.

I want to know what goes on with the bloodwork.  I wonder if the smoking cessation throws other body systems off for a bit....hmmmmmm?????

And yes.  The downhill slide sounds good.  Actually, I'd rather stay level for a while and stay and stroll a bit at 72 degrees!  I need a rest from the highs and lows.


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Re: Dr. Visit
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2007, 10:38:42 PM »
About the lice and hot water thing.... I think my sister used a blow dryer, not hot water :shock:

I'll keep the vinegar in mind if it ever lands on our heads, LR: )

Vinegar and a hot blow dryer.
