I go back and forth with this idea too. There is a website, too, comparing Ns to six-year olds. In it, is says that they are not all bad - they can be fun in ways others aren't, spontaneous, etc. I thought about this, but, I have to say... in light of the fact that my mother does exactly what she wants all the time and has no care for anyone else int he world, I have no great desire to have a relationship with her. I don't wish good for her. I don't wish happiness for her. I tried to do all these things because I need to erase anger and meanness in my life. But there are many times that I wish she would just have something awful happen to her. She deserves it. Is that cruel, or what??? And it is now like me, but that is how I am feeling right now.
I don't think I have any desire to have a sweet relationship with the woman who was responsible for making me into a self-hating person.
Interesting topic, Bella.
Love, beth