Lord Ami.... that was a really disturbing dream.
I had one last night.... not so disturbing but I put it out here.
I was called on to do a family commercial.... I had to be a cavewoman, apparently, lol

so was frantically going through closets to find something that would do in a pinch. I was looking for certain things I know have been edited out of my closet for years.
I came accross an entire wall of cupbouds that used to belong to my mother, who was a hip single mom with accessories to match everything. I don't even wear earings, lol.
So..... I run to ask her if she's still using that space.... if I can go through those closets, presumably to look for the long gone fuzzy clothing articles that shouldn't be anywhere in the house... and she says.....
bascially nothing.
I'm left with the feeling that she's still using that space, it's hers and I'm not welcome but it's my house now and I should do with it as I please.
Talk about frustrating!
I about threw up my hands and said I didn't want to do the commercial!
Who's stupid idea was it anyway!>?!!?? I HATE THIS KIND OF THING!! I often think of my sister and mother as Lucy Ricardo Sr. and Lucy Ricardo Jr., they come up with all kinds of uncomfortable silly things that seem outragouse to me and they certainly didn't want me to walk away so the placated me back into being the STAR cavewoman, without proper clothing, trying to learn my lines as I went. SOmething I'm terrible at under the best circumstances!
Wretched way to wake up on a rainy morning with a sick child: /