Pops, that learned helplessness is so awful. My mom tried to instill that in me for so long. "You'd never be able to make in on your own on your salary." So I always felt like I needed a better job, even though I liked the job I had. I finally had to quit that one because I couldn't stand my new boss. "You have no idea what it takes to run a household." Actually, I did have a pretty good idea. I had been on my own in college. I made sure to go to school away from home, so I did have an idea what kind of bills they were, and I could sort of budget based on that. However, anytime I thought of having my own place, she would start in with all of that, and finally I just stopped talking.
My experience, at least with M, is that he does best when things are presented in a very positive manner. I did my best to tell him all of the positive things about moving, and my mom told him all the negative things, even to the point of saying I'd go off and leave him alone while I went to the grocery. So he was hearing mixed messages. It's not so much that he's incapable, only that he thinks differently and so sometimes things have to be presented or handled a little differently. Like camp, he was afraid to go to camp as long as he thought he had to spend the night. He was afraid to stay away from home, but once it was presented differently, then he wanted to go. And he was afraid to do some of the activities, but I talked to him and to the teachers, and he actually did all of the activities. He didn't sit out a single one, and he'd been afraid of doing a couple of them. It's all about attitude, and if I can be positive, then he's generally positive. I think that's the key. The only problem is that I have a hard time being positive about everything.