Lighter, Iphi, Hoppy, Bella , Hope My Dears-
It is so wonderful to be able to share good news with my loved ones who understand the minutiea of the situation, and who picked me up and carried me or even drug me through rough places on the journey! I hope that someday I will have the honor of being there for you in turn.
The $40 siupport for Bagworm got the day ended, while arguing over $40 and $20 could have cost me $500.00 more- we will fight the entire issue next time in court (this was a stupid emergency hearing that was aborted by the court because there was no case, and the other side was admonished for dragging the poor disabled lady with her cane to court for a bogus reason to try to take away her little pittance of money under false pretenses and for wasting the court's time- but they were admonished not by the court, but by an underling! The court would not even countanence hearing them in the court proper, but sent then down the hall for their thrashing!! We will correct any outstanding injustices during the nexty round, with a more thought out case, not on the fly like this one.
Thank you all so much, I know that you know how grateful I am to you in so many ways.
Love and hugs,