Hello My Wonderful Friends Who Stick With Me Through Thick and Thin!
We won , in fact it was a savage beating!!!!
I got to court before my lawyer. Bagworm was there with the fence jumper Moron, and they looked at me like cartoon wolves looking at a lamb, seeing the dotted lines drawn around the lamb chops, etc. in their minds and salivating. Then they resumed talking (I hid around a corner and listened) It made me sick to hear them discuss my surgeries and disabilities as something for them to get money on, destroy me with, and yet to put me down about. Bagworm had looked at me like he did the day he brought the police over (the jackal).
My lawyer was late, in another court- I called and then spoke to the bailiff for him. There was a lady in court who was crying, so I gacve her a candy and a kKeenex and told her I was going to be next one crying. She laughed and I calmed her down. She won her case and kissed and hugged me afterward-Bagworm and Moron were puzzled.
Then they got a new look on their mugs- They began to read the papers we had filed(Why didn't they do that before!?!?). I heard Moron ask Worm about account numbers and such, and Worn answered, "Oh that's my Credit Union account (the one he drained!!!!) and then he asked him when I was accepted to law schoo;l. Then my lawyer came .
We were directed elsewhere- my lawyer said this had never happened before. The judge didn't want to hear the motion and it was sent to a mediator which should be for custody only. They asked to speak to the lawyers only, and Moron got admonished that he should be ashamed to have wasted my time and the court's time setting the hearing up, when there is obviously no valid claim!!! (This is extremely unusual)
Bagworm had wanted $2,000 per month and other things!!! My lawyer threw the other guy a bone and they got $40 a month support , though my lawyer said that soon I will get that back and get a substantial support instituted for myself- he wanted to get things together and present a cogent argument all at one time, and not charge more hours for today. Isn't that a hoot!!!
To save face the other lawyer then asked about arrearages- my lawyer asked me quite solemnly if I ciould pay $5 per month until I got the $20 back support paid. I said yes sir , if that is what you think... Moron said that he could not wait, he must have his client's back $20 by the 15th of November (Oh he fought for that)!!!!! My lawyer asked if I could pay the entire $20 by the 15th and I paused and said yes sir, I think so!!!Bagworm was almost crying by then- it was absolutely the funniest thing ever... He had on a very expensive outfit ( I had a plain suit and shoes) - it will take 10 years to pay for that outfit at the rate of $40 per month , and even longer to pay the lawyer fee!!!!!!! (But he won't be getting it anyway)
I also got the entire tax deduction on the house, etc, and get a tax deduction for the $40 a month in exchange for paying the support. Moron actually had to ask my lawyer how to fill things out, etc, and Bagworm was upset as this went on, closed his eyes, etc.!!!!!!!!!! I get to decide when Bagworm comes to pick uo his things, and I am to have protection there (my lawyer said the marshall!!!)- no surprise panty drawer inspection, he must list everything he wants first and I must agree!!!!
When Bagworm signed the stipulation, he was despondent and had a tragic smile on his repulsive face!!!! All that for $40 a month !!!!!!
Thank you so much for being there for me, propping me up, pushing and informing!! I couldn't wiat to come home and post!!!
This was just a little hearing, and the big stuff (trial or negotiations) is ahead, but my lawyer said that we are going to demiolish them!!! And he said that here will be no more fence jumping or cops threatening to shoot me because of false claims made by Bagworm!!!!
We won, and it was fun, too!!! I missed class because the case was held over, but I will explain the circumstances.
Thank you for your invaluable help and support!!!! I am getting free from that NH Bagworm with your help!!!!
Love and Peace,