Hi Alone,
This is a great topic.
I don't know that I ever wanted revenge (although I haven't had to deal with extramarital affairs - which might change my mind completely!). Well, then again, I did want revenge on my bro for hitting me with sticks and getting away with it when we were kids (long-story, but in short I had a very, very dysfunctional family).
I have really struggled with the desire for retribution tho, which of course I will never get.
My strongest revenge/retribution fantasy I suppose is that all of them (my family members) will have to be reborn and live my exact life - so that they can finally understand at a visceral level what I survived in that house of horrors.
Although, as I just wrote that, I got to thinking about that and if this were true (in a karma-ish way), would I then have to live theirs? Yuck! - no thank you.
I just realized that I would rather be who I am today (even though my childhood was horrible) than to be who they are today

Odd realization - as I was always considered the evil one in my family.
Sorry - my frain is bried tonight - some illogical leaps of thought there but a very eye-opening realization for me!!!
Thank you,
Iphi - I loooovveeee this: "Never fight with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it."