Ami, it's funny, but it really wasn't a shock realizing my F was an N. Mainly, the realization just makes things make more sense. It's not quite true that N's never change or can't change. My F was a much different, nicer, more complete person in his later years. He was a lousy F (a major N as I know now) during my formation however, and I always knew that and had few illusions about it. And he realized it too at some point and actually tried to atone for it as he got older. VERY un-N-ish to admit this level of failure and imperfection! This is how he really (no longer) fit the N-mold. His own F was truly a monster by all accounts so he had some insight into these things I guess and he realized that he had victimized me the same way his own F had victimized him. It's hard to be all that angry with him (he's dead now) because he acknowledged his mistakes as much as he could. But he did set me up for a whole lot of misery that didn't have to be. He not only 'trained' me so I was vulnerable to every N that came down the pike, he taught me how to completely disenfranchise myself for most of my life. That DOES make me angry!
My 'coming out' about N's recently WAS a shock though and THE wake-up call of my life. To realize that people can actually be, ARE like this! The lying, manipulation and total selfishness disguised as love and friendship. I was so naive for so long. That's been very tough, losing my 'innocence." I just don't know why it took so long, but it did. Now I'm just trying to move on and become the self I have always put down and squelched. Most of my fears are still about being rejected and alone simply for being ME. I've got to get to work Ami. As always, thank you for being here!