Hey Am,
I understand what you mean. My mother always had to have everything perfect. How's this for insanity? If my brother goes out there, she cleans the house, cooks a big meal and goes to great lengths to make him welcome. If anyone else was coming, like my aunt and uncle, well then she'd start home improvement projects she'd been talking about for weeks.
I understand all about perfectionism. My mother instilled in me a crippling need to be perfect. I posted my perfectionism exercise a few days ago. Think about that. Is it really worth putting on your gravestone? Are the things you feel a failure really that important? This exercise helped a lot, and last night, I had to remind myself:
It's okay that the house is messed up. I don't feel very good right now. I'm angry and I feel betrayed.
The other night I talked to my brother for longer than I intended, and I ended up not getting M started on his homework until 10. Well, by then he was tired, cranky and didn't want to do it. I was stressed, and I didn't feel up to the homework battle. So I let him use a calculator. I figured it wouldn't matter, except he got in trouble for it. Then I felt terribly guilty, so I wrote the teacher a note this morning, explaining that the whole thing was my fault and idea, not M's. I explained a little of why, not in great detail, just a little. Somehow telling M's teacher that my mother is a psycho, probably isn't the wisest thing.
If it makes you feel better, my dog used to do that trick about going out then coming in to puddle in the floor. I finally got him trained though. It just took a while.