Author Topic: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!  (Read 4079 times)


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2007, 07:28:30 PM »


It does not matter what his reason or excuse or subterfuge is.

Do. Not. Open. The. Door. Again.
Do. Not. Answer. Him.
Do. Not. Offer. Explanations. Or. Compromises.

Remove the kids' cell phones. He does not have a right to access them this way without your agreement, and it's probably a strategy of some sort. Take them away now. If you want them to have cell phones you can get them yourself, later. Consider anything that comes from him to be ticking loudly.

Please please please wake up, Sunny.

No judgement (despite the caps and boldface hollering!) and
lots and lots of love, and please listen to everybody...not your
instinct which is to yield...please stop yielding!

xxoo a very worried
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 07:30:29 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2007, 09:35:33 PM »

When Hops, of all people, has to tell you this you know you're being way too nice.  :lol: :P

I wonder if it might help you stand up to the creep if you thought about things a little differently.
You don't want to have a confrontation in front of the kids for their sake.
Is it possible that repeatedly being nice to a bully in front of them is worse for them than them witnessing you backing the nutjob down?

Out of curiosity, how does the court write a protective order that also allows him to come visit the kids?



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 03:24:27 AM »
i did get word from council to tell him any deals we were trying to work out are OFF!  He wont be picking up kids and i would call police if he came again i would call police.  That started a tirade of emails from  him threatening to come get them anyway with police tomorrow and sending copies of stipulations from the court regarding emailing and kids and coming into the house to do "repairs" we were trying to "work out" and blah blah blah--bully accuse intimidate.  And he was trying to call the kids on their phones repeatedly but I told them not to answer.  Leaving messages for them saying he was really worried about them and their welfare. 

I was taking one of my kids to a Halloween party and was in the car when I read his tirade of emails and didnt want to go home but i did and guess who was right behind me ---the police!!  He called the police on me saying he was worried about his kids welfare so they just pulled up when I stopped in my driveway and i showed them the po and they said yes they knew but they were obligated to make the call and went to the car and ask the kids if they were ok and said they were thinking about arresting him since he told them he was in the home this morning. Ask me to write down what happened with him all day and went withalologies but said to call if he does ANYTHING! 

I guess they didnt arrest him because he ended up calling my sister a few hours later claiming he was worried about his kids with me.  She just told him to buzz off.  I know the police told him my order was the law and so he is trying anything he can but besides his weird crazy family, no one is buying what he is selling--which is I am crazy! 

So my kids are upset and finally chilled out and got to sleep at one am and we are all in the living room together with me set up in floor and couch beds so we can stick together tonight.  I am awake keeping my ears open for now.

My kids got another dose of their wonderful dad in all his creepy jerkiness today and a friend of "ours" stopped by to keep us company and helped put the kids at ease and backed some stuff about their dad so they were not just hearing it from me which has been confusing for them.  They are scared tonight but we know the law is with us and that is very good to know.  He is just trying anything he can think of to be an a$$ and throw me off with intimidating BS!  I think the cops were even surprised at his bizarre behavior calling them on me.  But he is just trying to establish his " crazy dangerous unstable woman" defense he is trying to pull.  I think he is going to look like a jerk now woth this new stunt.

Whew....i will still just breathe.  And be strong!  Thanks all.



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 09:54:40 AM »
Wow, Sun..... very hard for me to see through the emotions your sleeping in the LR with your children brought up. 

I have suggestions..... consider them if you think they may help.

1.  Borrow a friend's dog.  The bigger the better.  You'll sleep better at night and I think everyone will fare better in the end if the children keep to their regular routine of sleeping in their own rooms.  Besides.... you can defend better if you don't have your children at your feet where your husband can use them to control you.  Are their rooms on a second story?

Maybe easier to defend one stairwell than all the entrances to the house and 6 children at one time?

2.  Ask family and (female) friends for help.  If a nephew, uncle or brother can move in for a while, that would be more than helpful and the court will see how frightened your H has you.  Ask then resist the urge to let them all off the hook, they'll want off the hook btw.  Nobody wants this scenario to be as bad as it is or true even.  Ask and expect to receive help. Don't go all stoic and tell them "it's OK, if the don't pony up immediately"  Ask and expect help.

3.  Hold H's feet to the fire when he steps in it.  If you don't, you're only extending the agony and maybe cutting your throat in court.  Please don't do it for him.  The court already dismisses women, outright, in divorce cases.  Be consistent and don't waiver any more. 

4.  How would you defend yourself if he comes up that stairwell in the middle of the night?  I want to suggest a tazer but..... I don't know what your money situation is.  Might be a great investment?  Remember, if it comes to it..... no one can defend their eyes.... NO ONE.  NO matter how big they are.... if you don't take a big hit to the head... you can get to his eyes.  Think EYES EYES EYES if it's you and him and you have to defend yourself.  EYES.  Then, you get out of the house and get help.  Don't try to round up children and go.  GO.  He wants you, not them.

5.  Your attorney has 60 to 80 clients.  That's staggering when you think about it.  He doesn't have your best interest in mind.  He doesn't have the time.  You have to be your own best advocate. 

Maybe it's time for a new dog?   I hate the idea of the trouble that entails but.... rescue dog services may have one that doesn't like men, unless a woman is around, is 4 feet tall and needs a new home with chilren.  You can get on the internet and look, if only to take your mind off the fear for a while. 

I'm so sorry this is happening to you.  BTW.... NO CONTACT.  Right?  Tell your family and fiends NC too.  He gets to you through others when his attorney and the police MAKE him follow the rules.  Then he goes back to his old tricks soon enough.  Don't give him the satisfaction or control.  You'll feel better too, though I know you have terrible anxiety when you can't check his temperature.  Rest assured that he has malice towards you, no matter what.  Even when you check his temperature, you shouldn't feel reassured, it's just habit and false security. 

Be aware.  Be consistent.  Follow the rules and make sure H is held accountable.  You have no choice..... the only other choice is false and won't end this sooner or more peacefully.  Your best weapon is to help the court enforce your rights.  They want off the hook.  They want you out the door.  They want you to settle quickly and they punish the good and bad guys alike, bc your taking up their time. 

Be your own advocate, no one else is going to do it for you.  If you need to phone the police, they'll most likely arrive to witness the mess, not arrive in time to help.  Do you have neighbors who know what's going on?  Have them keep an ear and eye out for you.  Call them too if you need help.  Don't feel bad about asking for help.   

Please tell me the he doesn't have his guns.  If he does.... have you mentioned them and his past behavior?  Are the guns in your home?  Do you have access?  Does he know where they are in the house?  Not sure what happened to the weapons but I thought you hid them or got rid of them a while back?

Call the police when you feel threatened. Don't just sit huddled with your children in fear.  The court needs to know when you're in fear for your life.  The kids know you may have to phone the police.  The police expect the calls and know they are needed in your case now.  Call when you feel threatened and don't let him come near the house without a call to the authorities in the future. 

(((Sun)))  CB, Hops and Mud can tell you.... it gets better once you stick to your guns and get through the turmoil.   


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2007, 12:21:42 PM »
Hi DS,

 All in all, you've really done a good job here. You gave him the chance the court allowed him and he blew it. And now that he has you are holding him accountable and standing your ground. When these idiots start flailing around like this you know you're on the right track and you also know they know they're losing. When they think they're winning they sit back like the Cheshire cat and just smirk. When they look like they've lost control of themselves it's because they've lost control of someone else.
 You're going to win and his antics will help you do so. Just stay vigilant and safe until the stake is through his heart.



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2007, 02:16:09 PM »
Mud--i really needed to hear that this morn!  Thanks for the level head and reasoning at a bery good time!

I am sitting waiting at the window--h threatened to show at noon withpolice to demand kids-- so I watching just in case with phones in hand.  Police probably warned him good last night--he basically called them on himself--but I still know he can lose control at any moment and then to h--- with everybody!

I will check in later!



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2007, 03:36:23 PM »
Dear Sunny,
  I just wanted to say that I so admire  your courage. You got some great advice.Mud  and Hops summed it up very well.
  We ,as woman and mothers, tend to bend too easily and try to make peace too easily.I can see that with your H you could get more than a dose of emotional craziness for "giving in".
  He is in the "dangerous" category,so you need "better" tools than with the average N who can make you lose your emotional balance,but leave you alone physically.
  Sunny, you have so many people who care,on the board. Also, there is so much combined wisdom and experience.
  You are in my prayers.                      Love  Ami

((((((((((((((((((((Sunny and children))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2007, 11:29:43 PM »
I hope you all know how much I am being held together by you all!  The wisdom has been remarkable from each one of you and I wish I could thank you all personally--I have been so moved by your concern and help!

I guess I could update today but i think I will just let it wait nothing huge happened thank heavens except I know he is talking until blue in the face trying to convince people I am unstable and a danger to my children--still no one buying it but his family.... But he is really really good at his game with peoples minds so I know I gotta defend myself there too.  It is ok most people know his game by now and those who don't I don't care what they think or say. 

He says I am paranoid (gee maybe he caused that?)  and I have digital recordings of him being paranoid about his business garbage one night saying that maybe they are all conspiring against him together with "authorities" to put him away.  Says I am a drunk but I have photos of alcohol and video of his bottles around the house and in the garbage plus I can produce personal witnesses from people around town that he has called and threatened and blackmailed not to mention the people he screwed over financially and I have records to prove it and I am a witness.  And I am only getting started!  If he wants to play that game----let's go!
Guess I am feeling better tonight about things....I guess I did have something to say today after all besides my most important thing today which is------THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Xoxoxo to you



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2007, 03:57:16 PM »
things are quiet in the scheme of things --just him emailing me and saying he is broke.  Cant pay anything my power will be shut down and my car repossessed and the house foreclosed !  He cant work and needs meds because of what i have done....

Our court for a more permanent order was this morm and my atty filed a motion to just extend it since he has not behaved himself after I tried to be gracious.  He is still pretending he does not get it!!!

Trying to return to the arms of the "cultish" religion he and I both denounced so to speak just to use it against me and hurt me because I have fought so hard for years to get away and keep my children away.  It is very hard,  we are surrounded by family and neighbors and even judicial people who are this religion so he is using that and making me look bad because I am standing my ground still with that.

Sent a mutual friend to "visit" and see if his children were ok---just used her and she told me--then she told him the kids are better than ever and of course he didnt wanna hear that--thinks women are all crazy hormonal witches anyway if we don't do what he wants.  She reads right through him and will testify for me if it comes to it....several mutual friends will too and he is getting doors slammed on him left and right regarding that.  They know i am not the crazy one and who the children need!

We are carving pumpkins today and ignoring everything, I have not blocked him yet with emails or texts to kids yet---just giving him enough rope to hang himself with.  He does not know when to shut his mouth!  I don't answer and he just gets stupid-er!

Gotta. Go be with my little angels!



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2007, 05:12:05 PM »
I don't answer

That's music to these ears, Sunny!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2007, 08:30:49 AM »

Just going to be re-reading over this thread so all your posts continue to hold me center!  Priceless advice!
things to report, but I wanted to say Happy Halloween!  If you observe or care or whatever ---have a good day everyone anyway!



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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2007, 08:49:13 AM »
Dear Sunny,
  Just thinking of you, dear. I am so sorry for what is happening to you. However, you sound strong and very resolute about doing whatever needs to be done. Bravo to you.                     Love  Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: H keeps contacting me and is now demanding to see kids!
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2007, 06:12:55 PM »
Dear Sunny-

I am so proud of you- you have certainly come through a lot on sheer grit and character, and still you retain you love and devotion for your little ones, and a wondeful outlook. Hope you have a safe and fun Halloween. Keep strong, things will get sorted out, and you can start a fresh page in your life!!!

