Ummm... I can't beleive he got his way. In the house. A night with the children.....
I can just hear his attorney now....
"The WIFE says she's living in fear of her life but she's allowing him in the house during the TPO.... she's not in fear bc she should have phoned the police when he showed up. She knew he was coming.... here are the e mails in evidence your honor. She had every opportunity to phone the police IF SHE REALLY BELEIVED SHE WAS IN DANGER and obviously...."
All it takes to roll us over is holding our children's emotional well being hostage.
They dont' give a quack about it so they hold all the cards.
The one time the police came to our house.... I had someone watch my children and keep them safe. H went and got the 4yo and brought her OVER TO WHERE THE POLICE WERE COMING. When they arrived.... she wanted me.
The fact that she was on my hip had the cops admonishing me for damaging my child, bc I was focused on handling the business at hand. The cops didn't listen. Nothing happened. He got away with setting me up over and over again.
How can you stop letting yours set you up?
We can see what it is they're doing.
What will stop the cycle?
You have the damned cat now? The cell phones? What excuse will he have for shitting on the TPO next time, if it still holds any water at all?
Pushing you off your argument.... making you look like you're exagerating..... making you look hysterical.... that's his game.
He'll become the dearest of weekend dad's during all this... so you don't have to worry so much about visits right now.
You have to worry about all the system taking you seriouse and not allowing him to keep pushing you off the TPO.
You have to worry about safe visitation with the children, after the court deals over and he isn't trying to impress anyone any more.
You have to worry about staying safe, consistent and reasonable.
His little visit to the house has upset the conistent applecart a bit but document it, make it clear that he was violating the restraining order against your wishes and I hope his e mails give the Judge an idea for the disregard your husband has for authority.
You should have phoned the police.
He'll keep pushing and pushing until you stop him pushing. The kids may have to see a little more trouble before it gets better.
Follow that TPO to the letter.... or they won't believe you care about it. Next think you know... he'll be telling stories about what he does with you when he's near you
Don't let him near.