As I read these posts and threads, it occurs to me how difficult it has been to see these villans as "parents" "mothers" "fathers" of you all. Whereas I understand that those were the only "parents" you have ever known, to me, it still does not make them actually parents of any kind.
I wanted to clarify my thoughts about this, so maybe you'd know where I'm coming from. To me, a parent, a mother, a father, does NOT DO the things those people in your lives have. These are actual dictionary definitions of the words, parent, mother, father. If the person who birthed you, does not line up with these defitions, until and unless they do, in my eyes, I have a problem writing to you about you "mother" "father" "parent"
Ok, I already stand corrected on the first word...PARENT. I guess I can call them THAT at least...they did bring you "up" so to speak, and begot you, birthed you. NEXT...
1 a: one that begets or brings forth offspring b: a person who brings up and cares for another
Ok, guess I'm corrected on this one again...MOTHER...I can justifiably consider the female birther of you a mother.
1 a: a female parent b (1): a woman in authority; specifically : the superior of a religious community of women (2): an old or elderly woman
Again, FATHER fits too:
1 a: a man who has begotten a child; also :
Ok, tell ya what, I'd like to hear from Hops, what the people of her faith believe a mother, father or parent is. The dictionary obviously tells us that anyone who births and raises children is to be considered a parent, father, mother. I disagree wholeheartedly. What say you, Hopalong?