Carolyn and others,
You know, I am glad this little experience of hurt feelings happened....I was given a great blessing in the process of it. I recognized how many times I had been punished for sharing my feelings. I learned how out of balance my N family system has made me and how gun shy. I re-learned that real friends listen to you and express their real feelings too. I learned that you CAN explain and forgiveness with understanding CAN come easily without requiring blood offering first. My inner soul is grateful today for the kindness of a few of you board members that tried to understand my feelings and shared with me your own. Because I was SOOOO ready for the rejection. And feeling so many confusing feelings inside because of it. Not because of this situation, but because this situation helped me see such a pattern of being rejected and punished for the tiniest of misunderstandings. I am so not perfect. And today, I didn't have to be to get love.
You gave me a precious gift by not rejecting me. For accepting my apology and explanation and for letting it go as a bobble and not a deep wound. I stood a little taller today. I felt ..... OK. How great is that? To know that you are simply OK. Thank you for the gift. It was a small thing. But through small and simple things, great things come to pass!! Talk about overcoming fear.......
Thank you,
Dear Poppy,
For me, too.... all of the above.
Thank you so much for putting all of this into words... such a gift.
My current situation has thrown me into survival gear (to be distinguished from survival mode, because it's strictly temporary). It's not awful or anything like that, just so very busy and different... and so my ability to express is cramped; but not my ability to feel.
Every bit of what you've written I have felt... here and now... and I'm so very grateful to you.
Hadn't realized how much I generally anticipate rejection... so much so that it barely warranted dread - it was just a fact of life.
All of that is changing now... amazing!!
Only God knows how very glad I am to have met you here.
With so much love and hugs,