I think I am done working so intensely on my pain. I am ready to let that part of my life go in trust and focus on balancing my life with more happiness and expressive satisfaction.
Dear Poppy,
This is where I am... a decision of will made with every bit of determination in me, knowing full well that the endeavor will require a continuous supply of the grace of Christ. Our pastor speaks of his shock when the church building burned to the ground years ago... and the temptation which may have threatened to destroy his trust and hope. Two things he did at that time which really stand out to me...
1) He said to God, "Lord, You've got a problem here... but I'm with You, Lord, and I'll stand by You and watch You work this through, as I know You can and will."
2) He drew even closer to his family, spending more time with them, rather than less. It was tempting to launch off into all sorts of busy-ness within the ministry and occupy himself in traveling, fundraising, stirring people up for the rebuilding... but by God's grace, he was able to keep his priorities in order and not get pulled off course by some manmade notions of *helping* God do what only HE can do.
Pops, at one time, I was so extremely and negatively self-conscious that I would not even walk down a grocery store aisle if there was a chance I'd have to speak to someone who was blocking the path (like to ask them to please excuse me). I mean, it was severe! I was pretty much afraid of everyone and everything. You know what's helped me to lay down that intense fear? I began to see it as a form of idolatry. Same with *peer pressure* and the *fear of man* - - those factors can elevate other human beings (and often self) to the point of being a consuming force in life and I know that is just plain wrong.
Okay, but I'd say, "I can't help it!".... "That's just how I am!" : ) Try sayin that to God and see how He answers... I know how He answers me...
and then I repent and it's back to marching forward, eyes on the goal.
Hope this makes some sense... it's poor wording and a bit raw, but what it all comes down to every single time is so simple - - - I say, "I can't!!" and He says,
"I know! That's why you need ME!"
Love to you,