Again, what I read from you, upset me greatly. YOU didn't upset me, but your way of reasoning things that need not be reasoned in a positive light (my view), did upset me. I will explain WHY below. This is only MY OPINION and MY REACTION, so take or leave whatever applies...just please consider what I'm saying here.
Since you said my comments were valuable, I'm going to share some more of them with you, but I'm going to share by showing you
your comments and asking you to read what we have been reading from you and then to really think about some things.
Ok, as a lady that I mentor often says, these things DO NOT COMPUTE...and, the Bible, which is my main Guidebook, says, "Do not become friends quickly with an angry man."
Ok, sooooooooooooooooooooooooo...The first thing you said was that you thought you were trying to build some sort of positive relationship with this man.
And what is even worse, is that I thought we were building a positive relationship.
And then you seem to start wanting to EXCUSE HIS BAD BEHAVIORS:
The annoying parts of it were manageable or so I thought.
Ok, next, this is where the water eventually becomes muddy for me as the thread continues... You are seeing annoying things in this relationship, trying to tolerate them, realizing you made some bad choices.........that part makes sense...
When I expressed discomfort yesterday with his lack of physical affection, he said that my weight gain was a big part of it and, if I had listened to his displeasure about my weight gain a year ago, I would have done something about it by now but, because I don't listen or care, I have brought this on myself.
Now you tell us that his coming and going is complicating your goals, as though you don't want the guy there
but his coming and going as he pleases is wreaking havoc on my trying to build a life for myself here
Here you are wanting to get him out yet remain
FRIENDS? (Which seems pleasant, until I read the next parts of what you write.)
I just don't know how I am going to get him out of here amicably, perhaps remaining friends.
This man is going to react in ANGER when you tell him your boundaries...never a good thing!
RED FLAGhim to start a commotion that will upset the peace and quiet that the landlady insisted upon when I signed the lease.
Now I detect a hint of downright FEAR from you
It is almost like I want to be out of here when he does come back.
And yet some part of you seems to believe that you need to make peace with this frightening, violating man, who, from the following statement, is subjecting you to either feeling INVISIBLE or VERBAL ABUSE
But, me being me, I want to be here to try and work things out amicably even though our relationship is quite clearly on the rocks and I, at least, need a break from his constant indifference at one end and verbal lashings at the other.
WHAT THE )(*^#(_@&%_(#@&$#@+_&%_#@&_%@? How do you go from stating:
1.) The relationship isn't working
2.) I feel afraid and want to be out of here
3.) This man is violating my goals and not going to respect my boundary of privacy
to THIS:
Then, I told him that we simply have to get along somehow for the next three days.
I suppose this brings me some comfort to know you haven't really had much contact, but how do you fear someone that much and still have ANY CONTACT???
We haven't talked much but that is better than what it has been.
Why do you feel you need to HANDLE any time with this person? Is he your husband? A relative? Someone that gives something positive into your life?
Three more days I can handle. It is nothing to the last 2 months.
Dawning, I'm concerned for you...that you mght not really be hearing your own self-talk. You really need to listen to your red flags and OBEY THEM. Please stop trying to justify having this man in your life. Why do you even WANT a relationship with someone that, moments before this, you were terrified about him coming back to your house? None of this is adding up, so please start asking yourself some tough questions and make a decision of SELF-CARE here, before you lose your identity, your boundaries are dessecrated, and you find yourself in a mess you can't get out of easily or at all.