I had somewhat of a flashback or memories that came floating to the surface this morning. I saw myself as a child waiting for my dad to get home from work. I was always looking forward to his coming in frmo work in the afternoons.
On certain days, my mother, who left the discipline up to my dad, would have me wait in the bathroom for a whipping when daddy got home.
It all depended on what she decided that day was worth a whipping. I would wait and wait and he would come in from work. Then come to the bathroom and take of his belt and whip me on my bare legs. Not in anger or rage, just doing what my mother told him to do. Then he would go about his business and I was left devestated and crying and examining the welts on my legs. I could barely get my breath sometimes.
It all came back to me this morning and I realized there was never any discussion or understanding of what had taken place. Just get whipped for something I did not know I had done. No lessons learned or to think about. Then life would resume.
I was a very sensitive child and took it all to heart. I was rushed and needed to feel loved. Never happened.
My mother is a n and now has shut me out totally from their lives. I can look back and see that she was the center of our world and had everyone revolving around her. No emotional or affectionate displays. no loving or tenderness. void. i married a man with the same behaviors.
He has doled out punishment, withheld affection, and refused to comminicate with me for an entire lifetime abandoning his home and marriage.
I recreated without know it, the behaviors and roles of my past. As much as I suffered, I could not make it all stop. The only way I am finding release fromt he pain is to identify it and stop denying or avoiding what the truth is
I am better today, but I still go through stages of intense emotional turmoil and saddness. I hope to keep working on letting go of the painful past, especially by recreating it in today's relationships. I don't have to wait on the nh to mete out his punishments on me for what he has in his head. I can move out of his way.
Thanks, BR